Heartache on the Big Screen

318 11 12

Kayla's POV

I feel so bad, I'm looking Hayes right in the eyes and lying. I'm just trying to psych him out and he was about to cry so I just reached out and hugged him tightly.

"I'm just kidding, Homeboy! I love you," I said as I felt his tears dissolve into my shirt.

"Please don't over do that to me again. I love you so much I don't know what we would do without you," he sobbed sniffling and getting god knows what all over my shoulder but I didn't care. This was my little brother and I will do anything for him.

"Hayes," I whispered as we had been hugging for a few minutes and he stopped crying, "why were you mad." We finally seperated and stated into eachothers' equally blue eyes.

"I-I-" he started but never finished as he fiddled with his hands and watched intently.

"It's Cam isn't it?" I asked catching him off guard and giving a nervous laugh. "I don't even wanna see it. I already have a feeling what it says and by the way, I'm the little messenger thingy," I explained as I gave him another uneasy laugh as he gaped at me with wide eyes in astonishment.

"Can y- I mean, if you wanna tell me you can but it doesn't really matter ca-" he started but I cut him off quickly.

"Hayes, of course I'm going to tell you. Cam said the messenger would, didn't he?" I asked already knowing the answer.

He nodded in confirmation. I explained it all to him and he ended in tears, letting out sobs and crying hysterically.

"Benny, he wouldn't want you to be upset. Cam would want you to be happy," I said hugging him as he gripped onto my arms. He backed up and looked into my eyes and smirked rose to his face and his eyes light up.

"Don't call me Benny, Mel." he said pouting and I gasped at my first name. When Nash began to use his middle name as his real name I did the same cause mom did a really good job at middle names. So my full name is Melany Kayla Grier, and Haasss is Benjamin Hayes Grier and the Nashy is Hamilton Nash Grier. (for all those newborns😒)

"Ok. Oh and the boys are coming over and I'm gonna have to explain, again. I'm just gonna go upstairs and get changed okay?"I said jumping up as he nodded, sprinting inside I threw on a Jack and Jack t-shirt, high-waisted bleached jean shorts and patriotic vans. Then, I did a simple winged eyeliner and quickly flicked my wrist so the mascara winged out too. I took the feather out of my hair but then threw the sweatshirt back on, inhaling the smell of Cam.

I ran out to the living room before I could think about anything that would cause me to cry. Aaron stood there waiting, eyes puffy as well.

I leapt into his arms and he held me close, head lurked into my right shoulder. He inhaled deeply and then broke our hug.

"Y-you smell like Cam," he whispered, tears once again filling his eyes.

"It's his sweatshirt," I answered but regretting it after to see Aaron's nose scrunch up in disgust. I took the sweatshirt off and ran it up stairs. When I came back down, Aaron's back was turned so I leapt onto his back. He caught me, stumbling but managed to run around my house until we collapsed on the couch. Aaron's arms wrapped protectively around my waist as I cuddled into his chest. My legs curled up on his lap. I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes, our foreheads touching and noses brushing. We both smiled as I blushed deeply. His hand snaked out from my waist to my chin, a finger outstretched, hooked under my jaw. He pulled me closer, into our lips touched and began going in a romantic slow motion. Savoring every last movement and the feeling of his lips against mine. We moved in sync, his hand wandering to my cheek and the other to the small of my back, guiding me closer. My hands traveled up his broad chest until I grabbed the collar of his hoodie, pulling him closer. I never wanted this moment to stop, he made me forget about the world for a mintue, like it was just us. It was as if the whole world stopped and nothing even mattered. (a little bit of BTR there, I lovED their music)

"COCK!" Someone screamed from behind me, making me gasp against Aaron's lips and pull myself into his side. His arm now around my shoulder and holding me tight with one arm, his other clenched and swung out ready to pummel whoever stood in his way.

But there sat Taylor, sitting tall and proud at what he had done, smirking like the Grinch Whole Stole Christmas. Before I could blink, Aaron was on top of Taylor. Luckily, Aaron just shoved taylor off the couch leaving Taylor falling with a thump. He lay in a heap of laughter, rolling across the floor as Aaron crawled back to me.

"Now," he whispered pulling me against him again, "where were we?" I giggled as he leaned in once more, lips brushing but only to be stopped by a protective older brother in the doorway of the living room, clearing his throat loudly and staring Aaron down. We both sat straight up, hands off each other with atleast 6inches between us. I pouted, sticking my bottom lip out to Nash but he nodded his head and left the room, dragging taylor by his left foot across our wood floor. A grunt echoed through the room when his head hit a wall on the way out. Aaron scooted back next to me with his arm around my shoulder and his other hand intertwined with mine. I cuddled back up into his chest and I could hear his heart beat quicken.

"Do you hear that? My heart beats faster for you," he whispered in my ear. I turned my head and pecked him on the cheek, him blushing but then adding: "You missed."

"What?" I asked when I clearly kissed the exact part of his cheek that I was planning to.

"My mouth was more to the right," he said turning his head. I teased him by kissing him on the nose but left him pouting as I stood up and started walking out of the room. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back, kissing me gently as I broke away with the biggest smile on my face and I left to go into the kitchen. He grabbed my hand and walked in with me. (sorry not sorry but I felt like this story needed a little romance at a bad time to lighten the mood)

I walked in to see the boys in different states of sadness. Matts eyes were puffy and red, tears still falling. Carter kept opening his mouth and closing it repeatedly, try to find the words to say. Hayes was still outside, chucking the basketball at the backboard. JackG and JackJ kept glancing at eachother across the room, sometimes mouthing words to one another, communicating. Taylor was on his phone as usual, but all our phones lit up when we got a text in our group message.
Tay😒🍆- check Twitter guys
Me💁- not all of us R guys Tay😒
Tay😒🍆- right, sorry Hayes I didn't mean to offend u😝
I looked up and at Taylor, smirking, him mirroring my actions. I scanned the room seeing the guys faces having slight smiles that grew when Hayes scoffed and surprisingly flipped him off. Laughter broke the tension in the room, even Haaaassss giggling a bit.
Anyways we all went back to our phones and immediately Cameron's tweet came up in Twitter.
@Camerondallas - All great things have to come to an end, but each ending isn't really an ending; it's just a new beginning. I love U guys😘
The comments and replies below blew up, fans asking what it meant.
We all looked up, my gaze met Matt's first. His puffy eyes only became puffier as mine began to water. We both had the same idea but I thought I was only doing it. So basically we both ran at each other and had a bit of a messy hug. His arms wrapped around my small frame and mine held onto his broad shoulders. My tears began to soak his shirt as his did mine. I felt a body against my right side, arms holding me as well. I glanced to the right to see Jack Johnson, forcing a smile through is sad state. Shawn came to my left side, wrapping arms around Matt and I. Soon everyone started piling in, but I felt arms hugging my waist. I looked back and saw Taylor😏. I giggled to myself and wiggles out of his hold but he just went back to hugging everyone. Suddenly I heard my phone tweet. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw Nash's Instagram post that I was tagged in. I unlocked my phone and saw the picture was just taken of all of us in this group hug. The caption was: "the moment where you think everything is perfect, you realize something is missing."
We all forced smiles and broke up the hug, except for Matt and I. He wouldn't let go but for some reason I didn't mind...

Omg I'm so sorry that I haven't been on!! My mom saw that I was reading a book that we cursing a lot bc I was at an argument part of the story and she flipped out telling me to delete the app! But I try to sneak by for U guys!!! I'm trying to update a lot more and please comment what you think about this chapter!! Btw U guys r amazing!!! My book had been added to so many reading lists and it makes me so proud to be in them!! I love U all so much!
💁Stay Beautiful💁

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