That Girl

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Alfred's POV

I sat in my basement playing Overwatch, one of my favorite games.

"Al! Come take out the trash!" My mom yelled from upstairs.

"Not now!" I yelled back. "I need to finish this level!"

"Alfie, this is the third time you've said that! Come and finish your chores!"

"Fuck no," I mutter under my breath. Then, louder, "Come on, I need to finish this level!"

"Alfred Akecheta Franklin Jones!" 


It's never a good thing when your mother calls your full name. Especially when she calls your second, Algonquin native tribe name.

When she calls me by Akecheta, it's either because she's very proud of me, or furious.

"You have ten seconds to get up here before I ground you!"

She's super mad.

I groaned loudly, before shutting my TV off. "Alright, alright!"

I walk upstairs, to see my mom with folded arms and pinched brows. "Alfie. I love you, but would you do your chores? I have your cousin Peter to watch."

I wondered why Artie couldn't do it, considering how much of a "neat and gentleman" he was. Gentleman my ass.

"Fine," I grumbled, opening the trash can next to the door.

"You're such a hero, my Akecheta." She ruffles my hair. "And don't be so down! There are some new neighbors, and I think they have a daughter who might go to your school soon!"

New girl? My age? "Is she hot?"

Her brown eyes glared into mine.

"Sorry, sorry! The hero doesn't judge girls on their appearance."

"Teenage boys." She muttered under her breath. "You better not be bothering her."

"Yes, ma'am." I saluted, before taking the trash out.

I glanced to my left, the only house on the block that was empty. Except, as mom predicted, there was a U-Haul truck there.

There was also the white picket fence, yellowed and dusted brown from all off the constant mud, but I couldn't see anyone. Much less a girl. I decided not to worry too much. I mean, I got Addie texting me on Insta, not to mention Jan and a few others streaking me on SC so...

I tossed the trash into the bin. "Score!" I yelled.

A cat jumped from the bushes. It looked at me, before leaping into my arms. I pet the cat. It purred. She had golden fur, and golden eyes to match.

I'd never admitted it out loud, but I loved cats. More than dogs, honestly.

"Goldie?" I heard a voice call. That voice... It was so- girly.

Like, not annoying like a Cali girl's accent, but definitely... What was it? Feminine? Yeah, feminine.

From the front of our gates, I saw her, and hot damn!

Her e/c eyes were so pretty, and those lips- looked so soft.

She looked surprised but smiled and waved. Her ruffled shirt looked so good on her. She also had a cute smile. "Oh my gosh! Goldie!"

"Hey." I nod my head. "This your cat?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that!" She looked down at the gate. "Uh, may I?"


She unlocked the gate, before stepping in.

I could finally see her bottom half and hot damn.

I was able to check her out, shamelessly, even when Y/n tugged her cardigan around her chest.

She was T H I C C.

The thigh-high black socks, with- oh my God, are those the booty shorts girls wear?!

As she walked closer- It was confirmed. It was booty shorts.

"Thanks. Hope Goldie didn't scare you." She held her arms open, as Goldie leaped into them, snuggling against her breasts.

I've never felt more jealous of a cat and wanted to be one before this. Damn cat.

"No problem. If anyone can help, I'm Alfred the hero! Besides, helping hotties like you is my job." I winked.

She laughed and blushed. "I'm sure the hero has other girls to tend to."

"You wanna make out?"

She looked bewildered at my offer but smiled anyway. "I don't think so... You wanna get to know me better?"

"I already know that you look like a good kisser." I scooted closer.

But to my surprise and disappointment, she wasn't impressed. With an eye roll, she pushed my face back. "Anyways Alfred, I'm Y/n."

"Well Y/n, it's nice to meet you-"

"Y/n!" I heard a voice call. "We need to buy groceries!"

Y/n looks over the fence. "It's my father. Sorry, I gotta go. It was uh-" she looked like she wanted to say something else, but instead chose something more polite. "Nice meeting you though!" She held a hand out.

I shook it. It was so small and cute, in my big hands. "Yeah. I'll make out with you later then."

She scoffed, before she walked off, with the cat looking over her shoulder.

I swear I could see the cat wink at me.

Weird, but I liked the girl.



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