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"Pops, we need to have a cookout!!" Alfred yelled as soon as he spotted his pops sitting on a chair.


"Well, didn't mom say we needed to welcome the new neighbors? We should celebrate the new daughter and father!"

Arthur scoffed. "This isn't a hero act so you can 'score'" his hands in quotation marks. "A girlfriend now, is it? Besides, mother already fed them some pohya."

"It's not that you boomer-"

"I am not old!" Arthur interjected.

"It's because I'm actually a hero."

"I guess we could have a cookout. Ask your mom."

"Pops!" Alfred groaned as his pops chuckled. "You always say that! And if I ask her, she'll say no!"

Seamus walked in. "He's doing it because the neighbor's daughter's hot."

"Seamus! That is no way a gentleman should talk!" Arthur scolded.

"Whatever, boomer." Seamus shrugged. "I get why Alfred wants to have a cookout. She is really hot."

"Yeah!" The blue-eyed blond folded his arms. "Come on Pops, you pretend that I don't hear you and Mom talking about how I'll never get married! This might be the girl."

"That's what you said about Jan. And Alyssa. And Hailey, and-"

"Ok but those were dates. I never said they were the one."

"Then what about this diary?" Seamus pulled out a normal-looking journal.

"Give that back, you leprechaun!" Alfred stood up.

Seamus chuckled, before flipping open to a random page. "'Amanda is sooo hot! Her long red hair, and brown eyes that make me-'"

Alfred tackled him. Arthur sighed and asked his father to do something. His pops continued to sip his tea and simply asked them to take their mom-unapproved business outdoors.


It was a few hours later, and Peter went home, after his friend Wy and few others invited him to go do some 'missions to a become a real nation-' whatever that meant. His pops and mom (and Matthew) went to pick up some groceries, his older brother Arthur went to meet up with his loser magic friends, and Seamus went skateboarding with his friends, Jett, and Sadik.

Basically, the noisy American household finally had the peace and silence- perfect for a power nap. He flopped on his bed, ready to take the ultimate nap.


With a frustrated groan, he rolled over to grab his phone, before pressing the green button. "Hey, dude." He mumbled.

"Yo Alfred. So what about that girl you were tryna hit up? Did you ask her out?"

Funny you say that, Gil.

"Not yet. I planned a cookout around eight. Right now, mom and pops are getting the meat."

"Cool. You inviting the bros?"

"Pshh- of course! Y'all are my homies- no homo.

"No homo," Gilbert concurred.

"I also snapped a pic of her."

"Sweet. Send it to the group chat. The council will be waiting."

"I'll do it in Snapchat. Bye."

"Bye." Gilbert hung up.


He looked once more at the photo he took. It was from a good distance, so the majority of Y/n's face and body could be seen. Her smiling expression with the cat perched on her shoulder was all too cute. Was she even real?

⭐Pervy! America x Girly! Reader- Neighbor's Daughter ⭐Where stories live. Discover now