Picnic and Tears

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After their little game, the two laid their picnic blanket down and got the food ready.

"Ahh, it's a nice day today." Y/n dreamily sighed, admiring the view of the fountain and the pond. "Didn't realize this park was so nice."

Alfred shrugged. "It's whatever. I think you care too much about this."

"Excuse me? You're a guy, what would you know about gorgeous scenery?"

"That she's in front of me, making our sandwiches." He grinned.

From afar, a gag could be heard.

You stupid flirt. "Alright, you silly..." She blushed, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Would you like onions on your sandwich?"


"I thought you liked onions."

When she had come over to Alfred's house that day, as his brothers served her dessert, she had spotted a container in the fridge. It seemed to be some salad, and had small, cut up onions in it. On the container, Alfred's name was written.

"Nah. That's a bunch of baloney. Ooh, do we have baloney???" He excitedly searched for the picnic basket.

Y/n laughed. "No, silly."

"Ugh, they're so stupid." One of the girls muttered. "'She's in front of me, making our sandwiches,'" she mocked Alfred.

"Haha, well, it'll piss her off. Let's send it."

Gina pressed the send button, and not a minute later, she texted back.

And boy, was she pissed.

E/n (Enemy Name) sent a simple message asking what the hell Alfred was doing and who she was.

who is that idiot with and what the hell is he doing? is he tickling her? God, so childish. Now I wonder why I ever dated him 🙄

The girls glanced at each other. Bingo.


"Ah, these sandwiches are delicious..."

"Yeah." He slurped. "Scrumptious."

"Can you not say that word?"

"Say what? 'Yeah?'"

Y/n giggled. "No, scrumptious you idiot!"

Alfred raised an eyebrow. He made more slurping noises. "Damn, Y/n, you look... Scrumptious..."

"Stop it!" Y/n laughed. "Don't be so weird!"

Ugh, she's so cute when she giggles like that... Alfred fingered the gold necklace in his pocket. Wherever that necklace came from, it must've been a sign. Especially since the pendant on it was the first letter of Y/n's name.

He doubted it belonged to her, but he could find out another time.

He continued to slurp.

"Why are you like this?" Y/n's cheeks stung from laughing and smiling so much.

"Because he's just a creep."

Y/n flipped her head to see two girls. Alfred's eyes widened slightly before his face went stale.

"Oh, didn't mean to interrupt your little date! I just wanted to make sure you weren't getting harassed." The redhead girl slinked next to her.

"Oh yeah. Is he bothering you, darling?" A girl with pink hair sat next to Y/n. She leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Because of his ex-girlfriend... Well, let's just say he doesn't know his boundaries..."

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