Chapter 5

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The day that Mateo, Jayson and I went to Markus' art exhibit has been one of the best in a very long time. I've loved every minute with Jayson and Mateo but there has also been stressful days as well. In the three weeks following the reuinon I've talked with my brothers almost everyday either over the phone, text or Facetime. We've planned on having them come to the house here this weekend with my younger brothers telling our parents that they are spending the day with Markus; which isn't a lie just a stretch of the truth. Mateo was the one who actually suggested this gathering at the house; my boyfriend is so sweet with Jayson and I, his family and mine.

Since he is part of the 'Blood Red' Jayson and I are not allowed to leave the house alone; we're a target that other maffia's would love to have ahold of and that kind of scares the hell out of me but I know they won't let anything happen to us so I don't fight them on the protection.

Today Jayson and I are home alone, well Maya was here with us but she left about an hour ago to the warehouse of the maffia's to drop off something to Matthew. She had wanted Jayson and I to come along with her but I manged to perswade her to leave us here since she was only going to be gone like thirty minutes.

There's a knock on the door around the time that Maya should be back; thinking she had her hands full to unlock the door I go to open it with Jayson on my hip without checking the peephole to make sure it was here. I was shocked to find myself starring at the barrel of a gun with a man smirking evilly at me and several other men surrunding him with guns pointed at my son and I.

Breathing hard in fear two of them men step forward; one takes Jayson from me and the other grabs me roughly, hauling both of us out of the house and into a vechicle before they tear out of the drive. Jayson is sobbing hysterically trying to get back into my arms.

The man who I saw first tells the man holding my son, "Give the damn kid to his father so he'll shut up."

The man hands me Jayson, instantly calming as he sniffles into my neck as he clings to me. Holding him tightly I stare at the man who I'm guessing is the leader of this group of men. If I wasn't fucking afraid for the life of my son and I a few of these men I would find attractive. Not as attractive as Mateo of course but they are very nice to look at.

I'm going to assume these men are part of a rival maffia and the best option I can have right now is to keep my damn mouth shut and try not to piss any of them off and perhaps they will take Jayson back to Mateo and his family before doing whatever it is to me they are going to do. Staring down at my sonn as his whimpers and sniffles die down, I keep my eyes on my son's clothed back in hopes that nothing to horrible happens in front of him.

"You are a smart one yes?" the man who is the leader asks his Russian accent thick; wonder why I hadn't noticed it before. Not verbally answering just nodding my head slightly in response to his question to avoid any negative repercussions.

"Good, perhaps this will be easier than I thought," he mutters but is loud enough to hear in the quiet vehicle. "You are Mateo's little toy?"

Inwardly I gring and frown at the term 'little toy' but I hope I don't physically react to that, giving him any satisfaction that he insulted me. Nodding again mumbling a small 'yes sir' along with it. I need to keep my head and try to figure how in the hell to get my son and I out of this with minimal physical and emotional bruises.

"I can see why he would like you, you know your place in this world. I think when this is all done, I will keep you for myself." Yuck, no fucking way, containing a shiver of disgust; now I really need to make sure I can figure how to get us out of this.

About forty-five minutes later we arrive at warehouse and I have no fucking clue as to where in the hell we are. Two of the men follow at my sides with their guns digging into my back as we follow the leader inside. From when I was a child and watching maffia movies with the family I expected them to tie me up and beat the hell out of me for information but they surprise me. Jayson and I are locked inside a nice living area minus windows with toys, a couch and a television that only can be used to watch movies off of.

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