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Two years have passed; Mateo is now 20 years old, I'm 18 years old and Jayson is 4 years old. Mateo and I are still dating and happier than ever and yes we have our bad days but in all honesty who doesn't? Mateo is taking over the maffia two years from now.

Mateo adopted Jayson a year ago, so our son is officially Jayson James Peterson. Oh, this is the perfect time to mention that I am six and a half months pregnant with another boy, whom we are naming Mateo Dean Peterson. I want a big family as does Mateo so we've agreed on a minimum of at least six kids total (this includes Jayson). What can I say we're quirky like this and his family seems excited as to how many children we want together. Granted any more than four kids and Mateo and I are going to have to move our little family into a bigger house near this one.

Two more years have passed now; Mateo is 22 years, I'm 20 years, Jayson is 6, little Mateo is almost 2 years old and I'm seven months pregnant with twin boys who we are naming Grayson Alexander and Emerson Andrew.

Mateo and I have decided four months ago when we found out that we are having twins this pregnancy to build a home for us on the property so that we will have enough bedrooms for all four of our children plus us even though the twins will share a bedroom until they are older. The house started being built two months ago and we are having eight bedrooms, a master bathroom and closet in our bedroom and a small bathroom attached with the other seven bedrooms plus one on the main floor; plus a huge living room and kitchen on the main level and a large backyard that butts into the main house backyard. The house should be absolutly completed in a month, just a month if I make it full term with the twins.

Mateo has offically taken over the maffia from Matthew and so far Matthew seems to be enjoying his retirement from the family buisness but he still does help out every now and then.

Ten years later - Mateo is 32 years old, I'm 30 years old, Jayson is 16 years old, little Mateo is almost 12 years old, Grayson and Emerson are almost 10 years old. We had three more children over the last several years; our daughter Ivy Marie is almost 8 years old, our other daughter Miah Lynn is almost 6 years old and our youngest son Matthius Thomas is almost 4 years old. I'm currently 9 months pregnant with our surprise baby, our last baby; we're having another boy who we are naming Jamison Lee.

We are definitly done after Jamison since he will be our eighth baby; it's not that we don't love our children with all of our hearts but eight is definitly plently and we want to enjoy them more than we already have and when Jamison is 18 years old Mateo will be 48 years old and I will be 46 years old. We plan on handing over the mafia to Jayson when he is 22 years old, so we will have time to enjoy our older age and possible grandchildren.

My brothers have also moved onto the same street as us with their families; Markus is 33 years and married to a woman named Sonya and they have four children of their own; Lisa, Lonnie, Samuel and Jonathan. Miles and Milo are both 24 years old and Miles is married to Carter and they've adopted three children - April, Lucus and Lewis. Milo is married to Michelle and they have one child - Carter. Michael is 23 years old and is living with his long term girlfriend Emma and they have two children - Ashling and Anika. Mitchell is now 22 years old and living with his long term boyfriend Carter.

My parents died three years ago in a 'car accident' and I couldn't be happier and I know that might be cruel of me to say but frankly I don't care; they were horrible people.

Life started out great went to hell for a few years and then turned around to be absolutly wonderful. Mateo and I have had and still do on occassion our disagreements and worries but who doesn't? I couldn't be happier and more grateful than I am that my life has turned out the way it has been since I meet Mateo and the rest of the family. I'm loved and happier than I ever thought I could be and I am grateful for how everything has turned out.

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