Chapter 2

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There's absolute silence at the table besides Jayson happily munching away at the food in front of him. I can't even think of touching any of it for two reasons: one no one said I could eat, a rule I had beaten into me while growing up and two I'm to stressed out to even think about eating.

As the silence stressed on, I begin sniffling quietly as the tears silently flow down my face and onto my folded hands in my lap waiting for them to take my son from me. For two years I've managed to hide the fact that I'm young and living alone with my two year old son.

"Sweatheart do you think we're going to take him from you?" Maya asks me softly. Not able to speak around the lump that's formed in my throat I nod at her question.

"Mayson, no one here is going to do this, I promise," Mateo speaks for the first time since I spoke my age.

Glancing at him in surprise, he reassures me again, "Mum had my older sister, Macey when she was only 16 years old and she was alone just like you are."

Peaking at Maya through my fringe at her to see her nodding agreement at Mateo's statement. "I raised her alone while doing everything I could with no family support until Matthew found me and took me in much like Mateo has done for you and your son." Maya smiles proudly at Mateo who smiles widely at his mother.

"So Mayson, tell us about yourself and your son?" a man says, whom I am assuming is Matthew. "I'm Matthew Peterson by the way and you and your son may call me Matthew."

Nodding at him I start off with, "Well as you know, I'm Mayson Dean, I'm 16 years old, gay and of the small percentage of the male population that can become pregnant. I had Jayson when I was 14 years old and his other father left us when I told him about our son."

Smiling down at Jayson as he glances at me, thankfully he doesn't understand about his other dad. "When I told my parents and my five brothers that I was gay as well as a pregnant male, I was immeditly kicked out of the house. My parents are very religious but I thought that because I was their son and that they loved me they would over look their views and accept me."

Looking at the ceiling as I take a shuddering deep breath before continuing. "I lived at a shelter until I was seven months pregnant while working at a mechanics garage and saved enough money to rent a crappy apartment in a bad neighborhood and thankfully work allows me to bring him with me."

My eyes widen at the mention of work. "I need to go to work in," I glance around looking for a clock and notice Mateo is wearing a watch. "I need to be to work in an hour, if anyone could tell me where I am in relations to Ryder's Garage, I can probably make it there if I start walking soon?"

Mateo shakes his head at me, "No Mayson, you are not going to work. You were shot last night and had surgery to remove the bullet. You are staying here and recovering. Also you and Jayson are not living in that apartment, it is to dangerous for you both to live there."

"I have to work and we have to live there, we don't have anywhere else to live," I protest weakly as my belly starts to throb and rolls like I'm going to be sick.

"You and Jayson will stay here to live and you won't have to work; you can focus on school and your son with no worries or strings attached," Mateo stated as if everything has been decided.

Looking into his eyes as mine hold fear and uncertian with some relief. Fear and uncertiany because I don't want to depend on someone or someones in this case for help and not wanting to be a burdon. Relief because if we stay, I know Jayson is safe, protected, will always have food for his belly, a nice home and people who seem to geninuly care for our well being.

Staring into Mateo's eyes searching for any sign of dishonesty, I cannot seem to find any but I still have a few concerns. "What would I have to do to insure our stay here? He won't be taken from me? I don't want for us to be a burden. I'm not sure I want to attend school, since I am so far behind but I would like to find Jayson a preschool though."

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