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So in my depression chapter I said I've been through a lot

Witch is true

And I'm ready to talk

I know I'm gonna cry it's natural

And I'm listening to The Truth Untold witch doesn't help any

But let's get started


(I might have to make a part two)

Let's get to the one that bugs me the most and my deepest darkest secret

It's about my old step dad

He molested me for 4 years

Something that will be engraved in my mind forever

He was supposed to be a second dad to me but instead he thought it would be fun to take advantage of me

By telling me that if I told anyone about his dirty little secret he would hurt me

He molested me every day my mom wasn't around

I remember the leather chair he would do it the most

He told me to come sit down and I knew what it meant

It meant he was going to molest me

I had no choice but to go to him

I was a little kid

I didn't know any better

When I had friends over and I had to go to the restroom he would like to them and tell them that I wasn't potty training and go in and "help" me because I guess I "wasn't" potty trained

It got to the point were he grew so "hungry" for me he came in at night to do his dirty deed

I'm a light sleeper so I could hear his footsteps and knew he was coming

He came in

It started with my blankets then my shorts or any pants I was wearing

Then the underwear

Then he wanted to do more

He wanted to rape me

I got out of the shower and I needed to put lotion on my body

So I asked to put lotion on my back because he was the only one home

He told me to lay down on my back and close my eyes

Then he came out

And I felt something on my area

It was like a finger except bigger

Then it hit me and I stopped him

And he had the courage to ask me why



I'll tell you why

Because what your doing is illegal


And it just gets worse

He would do it to my brother too

And he hurt my brother

When he did something "bad" he would hit him or take his ear

Pinch it

Twist it

And pull

For several minutes

My mom asked him to stop

He didn't

He just pulled harder

My brother was in tears pleading for him to stop

He was so hurt

I wanted to help

I couldn't

I was scared

And when I did tell

I was so relieved

But now I'm not

Here's why

When we had to talk to the people

They didn't believe us

Apparently we were "changing the story"

It's not our fault you picked a shitty lawyer for us and failed to do the courts

And bring us in for another "interview" three years later

Obviously we're gonna forget some stuff and remember stuff we didn't before and say it

So don't throw the "your changing the story bull shit"

We never did the courts

Which means...

He's still out there

And I'm scared

How could you fucking leave the guy that molested, abused, and threatened an 8 year old girl and a 7 year old boy out in world free with probably another family to play his "games" with

How could you

And I've had dreams of him kidnapping me

Plenty of times

I'm scared

He left me paranoid



They act like this is a fucking game

It's not

It's just as bad as being raped or abused or kidnapped

What about this do you not understand

My family can't even touch it makes me uncomfortable just standing next to me

Especially boys

My fucking dad makes me uncomfortable

My dad

My own dad

Hope you burn in hell



Part two will be made either tonight or tomorrow

If it isn't

Just wait until I'm ready

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