Chapter 10

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It's a super rare, long lasting blood moon. Y/N won't be able to control herself. She will have a mostly normal night until the eclipse starts to take place. Lena has left game night to follow her when she noticed Y/N sneak off after she left game night, saying it was an emergency.

Y/N sneaks off to an abandoned warehouse and locks the door. She starts to panic and is hoping the door and walls would hold. She completely shifts into her wolf form and lays down, waiting for herself to go insane. The door is unlocked and opens very quietly. When the light of the city enters Y/N's sight, she panics and stands up, only to see Lena standing there. Lena has followed her to the warehouse, and is looking at her, completely shocked.

"Y/N, are you in there? Is that you?" She asks worriedly, taking a cautious step foreword.

Y/N lowers her head and backs up. She has completely forgotten about the eclipse, startled at Lena's presence, and is still afraid of the CEO.

"Is that you?" Lena speaks again.

Y/N just looks down. She wants to go to the corner and curl up and be invisible, but it's already too late for that. Lena knows what Y/N is.

"Hey, it's alright." Lena speaks softly, stepping closer.

She puts her hand up to show she's not going to hurt her as she steps closer. Y/N is backed up to the wall and is desperately trying to figure out what to do. She's too busy thinking to realize that Lena has put her hand on Y/N's furry head. She freezes at her touch and hesitantly looks at her. Lena's piercing green eyes look back at her, full of concern and worry. Y/N leans into the touch, relaxing. She closes her eyes and shyly wags her fluffy tail.

She suddenly snaps her eyes open and stops wagging. Her mood instantly plummets through the earth's crust at the realization that she has to get Lena away from her. She stands up and tries to push Lena back with her head.

"Woah, woah! What are you doing?" Lena inquires.

Y/N just whines in response and continues to push the CEO. If only she could speak to her. She can't get Lena out the door before it's too late, so she decides, if Lena wouldn't get away, then she would. She rushes around the CEO and sprints at full speed to the edge of the city and into the forest. The CEO calls after her, knowing she won't be able to catch up. Y/N doesn't get far before her world gets fuzzy...


The DEO alerts every agent they have. Alex and Kara have just gotten the call and pick up their phones. Winn and James also get a call and are alerted to a threat in the city.

"Alex, get your gear and weapons from the DEO. I'll give you coordinates. The city is under attack." J'onn's voice comes through, sounding desperate. He orders the others to get ready and get to the DEO to grab weapons. They need every agent they can for this sudden attack.

Alex rushes to get her clothes and grabs a small gun. She takes her bike and rushes to the DEO, grabs a few more, bigger weapons, and rushes to the scene. Just as she got there, Lena is trying to get around some of the agents.

"Hey! Lena! What are you doing here, it's dangerous!" Alex says as she takes in the scene.

Agents are everywhere, a few people are bleeding out, and there are a few cars that are in an accident. The whole scene was terrifying. In the middle of the carnage was a horse-sized wolf.

"Alex you don't understand! I have to get to her!" Lena pleas.

"Lena, you need to get back."


"Why not!?"

Lena couldn't find any words to explain why. She didn't even know what was happening. All she knew was she needed to get to Y/N, who was currently ripping open a car.

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now