Chapter 18

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I think this is the last chapter. ;-;

Damn, already?

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed writing this. I'm gonna miss all the "OOO, I liked this and can't wait for the next update :)" and all the hopes for the next updates. I really enjoyed writing this and giving you guys content. 

It's both exciting to finish a book like this, but its also hard to accept that you probably wont ever touch this piece of writing again to give the fans the next piece of writing.

I truly hope you guys have enjoyed reading this, and I hope you guys are content with this wrap up.

Like always, I hope you enjoy this, and have enjoyed everything so far.

Thank you for reading!

Word count: 2,771

Warnings: cursing

Y/N slowly opens her eyes, the light in the room is quite bright and she raises a hand to shield her eyes. She tries to move, hissing as a sharp pain shoots through her side and she reaches for it. Her hand is met with a bandage wrapped around her torso where she'd been shot the other day.

"Hey, Y/N, sweetie," a soft voice sounds from the room. "Here, drink. You're a little dehydrated."

Y/N takes the glass from in front of her. "Thanks, Alex." She manages to get out.

"Hey." Kara greets coming up beside Alex and kneeling besides her friend. "How are you feeling?"

"Shit." Y/N just mumbles, glass to her lips.

Once she finishes, she tries to get up, but her injuries make it quite difficult, and Alex places a hand on her shoulder, keeping her in place.

"Hang on there, slow down." She says. "You've been out cold for over 24 hours. I want to take you to the DEO to get treated."

Y/N glances worriedly at Alex, to which she continues, "No confinement, just treatment. You're malnourished and still a little dehydrated."

"I can help carry her." Kara pipes up.


The two sisters help the shifter to her feet, leaving no room for protest, and Kara goes to support the woman. They clean up some of their stuff before heading out to their car to head to the DEO. Upon arrival, the agents of the building give the three strange glances, to which Alex returns with her Director glare. She leads them into the medical wing and into an empty room.

"Here, lay down on the bed." Alex instructs, going around to find the stuff she needs.

Kara lays Y/N down on the bed, and takes a seat on the stool at a small desk. Alex briefly leaves the room, calls for medical staff, and returns. She and a nurse hook Y/N up to a machine to monitor her vitals, and then move to an IV to give her the nutrients she needs to get back on her feet.

"Hey, sweetie, you're going to be okay. You'll be hooked up for a bit until we can get your malnourishment handled." Alex reassures. "You just rest here, you're exhausted."

"Okay." Y/N mumbles. "I'm sorry."

"None of this is your fault-"

"If I had just told Alex before, we wouldn't be in this mess." Y/N cuts Kara off. "If I just told you guys, none of this would be happening. You all wouldn't be fighting over my decisions."

"Hey, it's okay. We've worked our businesses out, no one's upset at you, we're all just worried for your wellbeing right now. We're glad you're back with us. You're safe now." Kara says, brushing some hair out of her friend's face. "You're our friend, and there's nothing that can stop us from caring about you."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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