Chapter 11

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Y/N makes it to work, and sets her stuff in her locker. She leaves to grab food for the animals and sets to feeding them. She plays with them a bit before moving to the next. She moves to the turtle habitat and notices a new arrival.

"They rescued him just yesterday, he was bleeding out in the water, tangled in plastic. He also had swallowed a straw, since it was stuck in his throat." Another employee informed her.

"Poor thing..." Y/N mumbles.

"He should be released when he heals, so that's good.


Y/N feeds the turtle and moves on to the dolphin enclosure, where her boss meets her. The cheerful man awaits her arrival at the dolphins tank.

"Ah, there you are! I just wanted to inform you of the dolphins condition. Since she's healed, we will be releasing her today. We've tracked her pod and located them. They're not too far, so we can easily get to them and release this one to her family again." He exclaims. "Will you be up to it?"

Y/N nods her head confidently.

"Alright, be ready in 30 minutes, we'll get her on the boat then and take her out to the water and her pod." He smiles and walks off, patting the behaviorist on the shoulder supportively. He knows she feels a connection to the dolphin.

Y/N climbs up to the top of the tank where the dolphin meets her. "Hey, you're going to see your family again today. You're healed." She says, smiling at the mammal as she feeds her. She finishes feeding the dolphin and continues to feed the other animals before getting ready for the release. She changes into a wetsuit just in case, and grabs some equipment for the boat and getting the dolphin to the boat safely. A small team of employees get the dolphin onto a sort of stretcher contraption and carry it to the boat carefully and quickly. On the boat is a small pool that protects the dolphin from the pressure on its belly, and to help it breathe more clearly. Y/N is in charge of monitoring the dolphins behavior and condition during the short ride. Three people are helping keep the dolphin hydrated and stress free, but it's kinda hard to keep a dolphin from being stressed in a tiny box pool.

"Alright, we're approaching the pods location!" The captain calls back to the crew, starting to slow the boat down.

The crew maneuvers the dolphin to the very back of the boat, waiting for the captain to give the signal to release the dolphin. They open the side of the box, the water washing out, leaving the dolphin in there. The crew pushes the dolphin out gently and lets it splash into the water. Y/N watches it swim towards its pod as she hears happy clicks and whistles from surfacing dolphins. She helps the crew tidy up before they take off. The captain slowly turns the boat to leave and takes off. The dolphin pod follows in the wake off the bot as the crew heads back to the center. The dolphins leap in the wake of the boat, happy to have their family back. They eventually leave the boat to its own and the crew finally reach the center and go back to work.


Y/N finishes up with work and heads over to L-Corp. She visits the front desk where Jess is.

"Y/N, right?"

Y/N nods her head.

"Head on up, she's waiting for you." She smiles at the nervous woman.

Y/N enters Lena's office.

"Hey, you ready?" Lena asks.

Y/N nods her head.

Lena leads her down to the labs for testing.

"Alright, I'd like to do some bloodwork, look at your dna and compare it to there, and I'd like to see your cellular makeup." Lena states. "You ready?"

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