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(15-16) MIKE'S (POV)

MIKE: "But mom... I have plans with El. Why can't Veronica come like next week"

I say to my mom. My cousin, who is 21 years old, is coming to visit my mom and their making me take care of her daughter because there gonna have a "girls time".

KAREN: "No Mike, she's coming tomorrow and your taking care of Clara. End of discussion"

UGHHH I'm so mad at her right now.

MIKE: "Why can't Nancy take care of the baby, I mean she's a girl she knows more about baby things than I do??"

I tell her raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.

KAREN: "Because she can't she has a test and she is going to be in a friend's house to study. OK??"

My mom says while raising up her hands into the air.

MIKE: "I bet she is gonna screw with Steve"

I whisper under my breath.

KAREN: "What did you say?"


I answer back. Now my plans with EL are cancelled, great. I sit on the couch with an angry face.

MY mom looks at me and then she says:

KAREN: "Uuugghhh OK. I have an idea, why don't you invite El over to help you with Clara. She's also a girl and can help you with baby stuff as you said"

Wait.. That's actually a good idea.

MIKE: "Yes.. Yeah I think that would work. Thanks Mom"

My attitude change in a matter of seconds. I run to the basement and take my supercome to talk to El and ask her.

MIKE: "Hey Love, are you there?"

EL: "Ohh Hi, Mike. How are you doing?"

Ohh gosh she's soo sweet. I love her

MIKE: "Good, good. But we need to change plans for tomorrow"

EL: "Awww why? I was so excited for our date tomorrow"

She says sadly and that brokers my heart.

MIKE: "Yeahh baby me too. But we aren't cancelling the plans. We only going to change it. The thing is, my cousin is coming to visit my mom and they're going out so they are making me take care of her daughter, Clara buttttt I don't know anything of baby's so I was asking if would like to hel -"

El suddenly interrumps me.


MIKE: " Well, I'm happy your excited princess "

EL:" Yes... At what time should I be there, before your cousin arrives? "

MIKE: "They are going to be here pretty soon so I guess at 7 maybe?"

EL: " Perfect... Well then, I'll see you tomorrow baby. I love you"

She says blowing a kiss

MIKE: "I love you too princess, goodnight"

And with that I turn off the supercom and head upstairs to my room.

___________THE NEXT DAY ___________

*Knock knock*

MIKE: "I'm gonna get the door" I shout.

MILEVEN/FILLIE ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now