969 20 11

(Ages 20 - 21)



Two lines, two fucking lines

It cant be, I can't be pregnant.

"MILLIE WHAT DOES IT SAY!!" I hear Sadie shouting from outside the bathroom

I came out with tears in my eyes.

"I'm pregnant Sadie, I'M FUCKIN PREGNANT" I say as I hug her.

"It's okay Mills everything will be OK, your 20 years old your not little kids anymore. I'm sure Finn won't leave your side and your friends would be by your side every day" She said while she wippes my tears.

"Sadie, but we are still filming Season 5 and what if Finn doesn't wa- want a kid, what would fans and social media say. I'm so scared Sadie. So scared" I'm sobbing at this point, I put my head into my hands with the pregnancy test by my side.

"I ruin everything Sadie, everything"

What I'm gonna I do now?

"Okay Millie Bobby Brown look at me" She said in a loud tone that actually scared me a little.

"You didn't ruin anything, your just making things better. Just imagine a little Finn or a little Millie running in the set. David, Winona, the duffers and everyone would be more than in love with that baby of yours. And finn... Finn would be jumping like a little kid cause he is more than in love with you. FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU LIVE TOGETHER YOUR PRACTICALLY MARRIED. So don't ever say you ruin everything, cause you didn't ruin nothing at all" She says a little to loud as she stand up but actually relax me a little.

"Shut up or someone will HEAR YOU!! But thanks, I'm sure your right your the best best friend someone could ever have" I give her a hug, I don't know what I would do without this read head.

Then suddenly someone opens the door

"Hey girls I hear screa... BABY ARE YOU CRYING??!!"  Oh no.. Its Finn.

"I told you someone could hear" I whisper to Sadie as I try and hide the test behind my back but it was to late.

"Sorry... Im gonna leave you two alone" Sadie then aproches to the door and give me a thumbs up. Finn then steps towards me. My nervous are getting back.

"Millie why are you crying and what is that you have behind your back" He says as he puts her hands on my cheeks. I can't help but let some tears fall

"I'm sorry Finn, I'm sorry for what happen" I look to the floor because I coudnt keep looking into his eyes.

"Millie but what happen, you can tell me anything"
He then puts two fingers under my chin, forcing me to look at him but in a gentle way.

"I'm... I'm..." instead of saying anything I give him the test and close my eyes fearing what his reaction would be. Then I hear him sniffle and when I open my eyes tears were falling down her cheeks. He has his hand on hsi mouth.

"OH MY GOD I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA HATE ME" I say and then try to run to the door but he holds my waist and kiss me. I was confused but finally melt into the kiss.

"Millie please tell me this isn't a prank, just please!!" He said with a big smile on his face as he keep crying.

"No it isn't but, wait, are you happy??" I said with a smile on my face.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS??!! OF COURSE I AM THIS IS THE BEST NEWS I'VE VER HEAR!!" He starts to jump like crazy. Well Sadie was right.

"Were gonna be parents... We're gonna be parents" He kept repeating that under his breath. He then came back and picked me up as he hug me.

He then put me down and kiss me. I was very very VERY happy but then the fears came back. My smile desapear from my face and Finn noticed because he put a confused face.

"Wait,  I'm glad your happy cause I am too but... But what would people say. I mean filming would be slower cause I can't film while I'm pregnant because clearly Eleven isn't pregnant. Social media is gonna go crazy and TMZ..." I say almost in one breath until Finn stops me.

"Okay Millie breath, thats bad for both of you. Look I always wanted this with you, since we started dating. Filming would go slower, yeah that's true but Fans would understand, I'm sure. Social Media, there would be haters and what, we've been dealing with them since we're teens and TMZ, FUCK TMZ" I slightly hit his arm and give him 'the look' because SOMEONE could be listening.

"yeah sorry I need to stop swearing I can't be a bad example for our baby" Our baby, that melts my heart. I just smile and nodd.

"I love you Finn, thanks for beign always with me and now with both of us" I say as I look down and then look at him again and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you too baby, I would do everything for you" He then place his hand on my stomach and I put mine on top of his "I would do everything for both of you"

I peck his lips

"When do you wanna tell them?" Finn said

"Tomorrow if its OK with you, I just wanna relax, to many emotions for a day" I say as I take his hand he just nod and we left our trailer.

I love my family.


OK so I hope you like this chapter. I actually love writing about future Mileven/Fillie family. It's just to cute

Well, the point this comment if you want and feel free to send request.

Do you guys want a 2 part? I mean its almost sure I will write it but I want to know your opinion.

You know I love you and you mean everything to me. Se ya soon

With all the love..

- FanGirl011 -

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