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Its been a roughh year, my babies were born on October 11 and yess, they were twins.

Two little girls that Finn and I love with everything we are made of. Their names are Eleanor Zoe Wolfhard and Michelle Ellie Wolfhard

Finn and I choose this names because we completley fell in love with the meanings of them:

Eleanor means «Shinning light» and Zoe means «life» because this little princess light up our lifes every single day...

...Michelle means «Gift from God» and Ellie also means «Bright shinning light» this little cuttie also brings us eternal happiness and its for sure a blessing.

This are my two little girls:

And the names also make references to «El» ,because without her, I woudnt have met the love of my life and my friends for life

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And the names also make references to «El» ,because without her, I woudnt have met the love of my life and my friends for life.

We started filmimg, again, 2 months after I gave birth. It may be a little early but, I felt ok and I missed filming a lot.

Everyone was so caring and helpfull during my whole pregnancy, I am forever thankful with my friends and family, because without them, Finn and I couldn't have handle those two litlle crazy monsters alone.

When we told our parents they were a little shocked and surprised, but they knew our love was unbreakable and that Finn would be an excellent dad for our babies, which for the record. He is.

Now, we are at the middle of filming season 5 of Stranger Things.

"Andddd SCENE -" Matt yells and we start filming...

"Okayyy guys, what should we watch?" Mike asks as he sits down next to me, well Eleven, and cuddles her. "Whatever you want but please no more Star Warsss" Max says as she throws her head back "Heyyy its not that bad, its actu - WOW-" Will starts saying and then we both cut the sentence at the same time as we put our arms around our torso. "Hey guys what happened?" Mike asks as he sees our faces in shock, he cuddles me (eleven) closer. "I dont know it was like a really weird cold, like the feeling ....back... back in 1985" I say in a really low voice. "Oh like the mons- MAMA! DADA! UP UP!!" Caleb started his dialogue but some screams from out the scene cut him off.

It is obvious the screams were from my daughters.

I look at Finn and we started lauging, oh those little angels.

Then out of nowhere Michelle and Eleanor came crawling from behind the trailers were David was supposed to be watching them.

I bet he felt a sleep... again.

El and Elle (wow that is gonna be confusing 😂😂) always do that when they are tired of beign on the floor.

"AAwww my two beautiful daughters are tired? Grandpa David fell asleep again, didnt he??" Finn says in a baby voice as he stands up from the couch and carried our daughters.

Everyone laugh when finn say that aloud. Such a David move.

"Okau guys this is freaking cute, not gonna lie but Mileven doesn't have kids yet soooo" Matt started talking but then we realize something " YETTTTT!!! " Everyone in the set yelled.

"Goodjob you asshole now you spoiled all season 6" Ross says as he slightly hit Matt in the arm, everyone laughs but as always "Dad Finn" attacks.

"Hey hey watch the language, my babies are listening" He says in a serious tone but everyone else laughs a little, he is such a dork.

"Awwww you are such a dork!!" I say to him as I peck him.

"Yeah but Im yourrr dork" He says in a babyish voice and he kisses me again.

"I love you" I say "I love you toooo" He says back and I just melt in his eyes again as if it was the first time I ever saw them. "And I love you... and youu" He says as he kisses El and Elle's head.

"Okay okay, enough Fillie family for a while one hour break everyone" Everyone said thank you and went to have a snack.

Instead, Finn and I went to our trailer and sit on the couch, Michelle then crawled over to me and cuddle in my chest, Eleanor does the same with Finn, and then they fall asleep. They look so peacefull and beautiful.
My heart cant stand it!!!!

"Awww they are sooo precious" Finn says as he wraps his arm protectivley around us three "They really are" I then faced Finn.

"Finn I love you, like I know its so random but I literally couldn't ask for a better life, I got everything I wanted and more. All my dreams since I was 12 years old I have them now. Ill never be able to express my happiness and gratefulness I feel everyday of my life. And everything is a gazillion times better thanks to you. I love you soo much" I say as tears started rolling down my cheecks, Finn has tears too. "I feel the same about you baby, you three are the most inportant things to me in the whole world, I cant wait to pass eternity right by your side. I love you soo much" we touch our foreheads and enjoy this little moment we are having as a family.

As my family. With the man I love, my two beautiful blessings and my friends and family all together.

What a better life can someone ask for??

Shistar Im back from my grave tbh 😂😂

Oh my lord my wattpad was beign such a bitch and woudnt let me sign in to my account and I coudnt upload my story. That was so frustrating but ANYWAYS HERES A NEW CHAPTER and the last one of the mini saga "Please tell me this isn't a prank" Which I really loveeeeeeeee with all my heart.

Im sure that in future chapters Eleanor and Michelle will appear but it would be an independent chapter apart from this saga.
Anyways I love them very much.

As always said in previous chapters I hope you guyss like it veryy much as much as I did. Feel free to leave comments or any suggestion, reading your comments makes MY DAY ngl. Its the best geeling in the world.

Well, I love tou guys ver veery very much and thanks for spending a little bit of your time reading my book.

See you soon with new uploads!!!!!

With all the love...

~ GirlFan011~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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