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We arrive to school right on time, so Millie and I walk in. The party was already there waiting for us.

FINN: "Hey Guys!" Millie and I say in unison.

GATEN: "Hello lovebirds! How R u doing?" He says with a little smirk and I lightly punch him in the shoulder as everyone laugh. Then I put my hand across Millies waist.

MILLIE: "Shut up Gaten, and if you REALLY care, we're fine.. I'm just soo fucking tired" Millie says with that cute British accent... I love her, she leans her head on my chest and I it.

NOAH: "Yeah same, but hey its Friday, so what are we gonna do?" Noah say lifting up his hands.

SADIE: "I don't know but..." She was cut off by the bell ringing...

CALEB: "Buuuuuutt... later we decide because we are gonna be late for History so, let's go" He says as he puts his arm around Sadies shoulder.

The party start walking towards the class and when we arrived the teacher wasn't there, which is weird because Mr. Keery is always on time.

Millie and I sit in our desk and she lays her back on my chest and I put my arms around her petite torso.

MILLIE: "I love you, you know that, right?" She says looking up to me, She's beautiful

FINN: "Yes, and I love you too" We both smile and I peck her nose...

MILLIE:  "Where are Lilia and Maddie? And Mr. Keery? , he never arrives late", She asks looking around the classroom.

FINN: "I can't answer you were Mr. Keery is, but look, Lilia and Maddie just enter" She giggles and sits on my lap.

MILLIE: "I'm gonna go with the girls.. Woukd you mind that?" She asks while plays with my hair a little..

FINN: "Of course not, go Ill be with the boys" She mouthed okay and runs to the girls. They instantly start laughing.

I went to the boys and Noah start telling a story.

NOAH: "Okay guys listen, this was soo funny, the other day...."

He was speaking but I wasn't listening to him.. I was staring at Millie, My Millie. She was dancing and singing with the girls but it was soo cute and beautiful. How come any other guy ask her out before I do? I mean I'm sooo thankful that didn't happen but she's so fucking beautiful...

FINN: "She's so gorgeous" I was thinking that, and I don't know how it scape out of my mouth but I said it outloud

NOAH: "Dude, are you even listening?" He says and lightly hits me in my arm.

FINN: "Wha- What were you saying?" I ask but I bet I'm red as a tomato.

GATEN: "OMG finn, your totally whipped for her"


FINN: "No no, I - I..." They all gave me THE LOOK, like "Your kidding right". And yes, maybe I was a little whipped... A little TOO MUCH....

I just put my head on my palms..

NOAH: "Awww Finnie is embarrassed, Our little boy" He says while he ruffles my hair.

The guys start laughing and I look back to Millie, we made eye contact this time

"I LOVE YOU" She mouthed

"I LOVE U TOO" I answer back and blow a kiss...


Okay guys that was my 2nd chapter... I could get out of my writers block... Comment and like if you want, hope you like this... Love u guys...


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