Inner Past

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In my attention as a young adult who admires simple things such as seeing birds flying patterns and observing social networks, it is not an oddity for me to encounter and uncover numerous behavior that people hide to possess unity. The continuity of this act alone has taught me to realize that the probation we undergo in life is no longer able to scratch the itchiness that can break the promising perception of the future self.

Although, I know there is so much satisfaction that I can achieve behind doing the socialite act that my generation adored, still until this is never capable of satisfying my needs in being able to build a conversation with the eternal spirit that has helped me walk through the definitive issues that the world possessed, which is an inner adventure that has gave my existence the ability to embody strength from quietness and other cancerous substance that has been created by those who have a scarecrow smile.

I have tried to undertone my words and complexity to conform, but still...I can never understand the reason why most of us would always make a fuss if these two things appeared in our interaction, even if it has a basic element that can trigger the brain to experience development, which is an event that has delivered an oddity that my consciousness never considers as something worth a chase. I wonder...who or what am I in a previous life? What caused my vision to have a crazy amount of spacefaring than others?.

When it comes to my admiration when experiencing the nuance of such reality, in this day and age, it is not hard for me to differentiate between an effort that exists to provide reliability and the one that exists to create a recreation of a bright screen. It has been able to keep me stable to the point where those who chase a car like a dog without purpose are unable to govern and acknowledge the termination that I echo as I walk with stories and vitality. It has matured me to the point where I can notice many sweatiness and sunny tears being wasted on something that has nothing to do with personal red light.

I can never explain plainly the things that occur inside me, but I can always give an example about the occurrences that can force humans to give in their morality for something that comes from their own hallucinations, which is an element that has been able to deplete the glint that can only be obtained when our face still on the phase of retaining roundness and tiny eyes, causing the victim to drown between the sea of humor and associations that only develop selfless superiority.

On the other side, in my understanding, it needs to be known thoroughly that the kind of activity that is capable of making us not check the calendar and the clock and causing the haughtiness to shatter into a joke is the best cure for loneliness we indulge in. It has come to my mind that the knowledge of knowing the activity that exists to give anxiety in return when "special codes" are not being fulfilled is beneficial in its own way.

What has always been the extraordinary perception for me is...the great dimension of serenity that lies behind doing simple things can only be obtained if there is humility towards wanting to understand what can't be replaced or erased until the end of time, despite vast reality and illusive advancement is needed to make the mind filled with miracles and flourishing curiosity, which is...a balance that someone should achieve if the mind starting to demonstrate the incapability of uttering "bona fide" nostalgia.

The broken past we dwelled in is certainly capable of synchronizing the unsuitable wight voices we banished, but it can never ruin the possibility of understanding and doing the scenery that is shown by something we see as we wander through random places, even if it takes a form of a child building sand house for ants or invisible connections that has been majorly categorized by the many as something that blows mystifying phenomenon.

The broken past we dwelled in is certainly capable of synchronizing the unsuitable wight voices we banished, but it can never ruin the possibility of understanding and doing the scenery that is shown by something we see as we wander through random...

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The rusty lights, the blurry faces, the cold walls, and the unknown grief we find on the street may not satisfy what we craved, but they can always act as something that could strengthen our minds to fight the element and the ratio that blackens the heart, which is a lifeless scenario that I know could give extra mobility to confide with the devotion we preserve at the same time.

To be healthy and kind with time, it is necessary to understand that the false sense and the insufficient amount of greater intelligence we see occurring rapidly as the year progress is existing because we become more incapable of finding simple things that can give assistance for the hints that revolve around multiple choices in life. It is essential to understand that if thou want to have a sustainable mind and subtility, thou should have a desire in wanting to be filled with dialogues that come from humility and its cluck.

It has come to my understanding that the drift we felt as a human exists to remind us about the things we searched is not always existed on something that can be materialized, but relatively on something that every living reincarnation can enjoy, such as seeing a butterfly flying between flowers and stream of water and acknowledging the temperament that has been produced by old lovers as they arguing for a glass of chocolate. takes hours and days to be able to relish the creaking from such activity, the aftermath is always an essence we should convert and imbue into our hearts.

Whether we agree to listen or not about the power of such knowledge, it should be noted that every human in this world possesses a sullen altercation that drives them to discontinue the flow that makes them critical and kind to their own existence. would be wise for someone to try other's simplicity that is able to demonstrate many series of freedom in certain areas so that in the future the furtherness of such chaos will only exist to remind and not pursue.

The overboard and the intensity that can come after such guidance is entering our view might surge our minds with eruptions we never knew existed in ourselves, but it is not the reason why we should alienate ourselves completely from seeing the little island and embodiment that has been made or reappeared by it. It is one of the additional circumstances that I know can make someone grow underdeveloped and chaotic if it doesn't come into existence when the face is still free from wrinkles.

When it comes to my solitary vicinity and external influences, it has come to my mind that the simplicity we have yet to find can only be obtained if the need for disappearance finds completion and joy between the riddles that flutter our souls. would be unwise for us to try to spectate aimlessly and judge excessively about the action and the image that appears to be resonating with obstacles that possess such need and element.

It needs to be understood that the "wavers" that make us feel born special and unattractive once there's a middle crisis that petrifies simplicity and clearness are never meant to be taken competent in bringing sparks for the campfire that dies out inside our heart, even if it can cause us to feel like a bag of chips that no one wants.

In the end, the only continuation I could mumble regarding having possession of such inner workings has made me experience a continuation that is filled with jealousy, lies, escapement, and promises that weren't supposed to be held by one living existence. It has made me witness failures that only exist to dissipate the attempt of being curious about ideas and balance with endless murky hesitation, which is one of the occurrences that I find rarely being emerged as a fun discussion, causing my presence to be weirdly booked constantly.

I wonder...if we ever can understand that the calamity and penitence that exists inside ourselves are there because we tend to focus our attention on certain sensations that can only be obtained by privileges we can't have.

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