book 3 | chapter 2

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Na Jaemin's POV

'thank you for coming along jaemin' my mom smiled weakly and fixed my tie once we arrived at the funeral house. 'it's alright mom, I'm on break anyways remember' I smiled back. 'but you're supposed to be resting' she argued. 'hey it's okay, I'm already here. I won't let you go all by yourself anyways' I smiled.

'come on, let's go' I smiled and squeezed her hand lightly. We both got inside and paid our respects. She looked so sad that made my heart shattered. The girl who was there had her head down too.

Who wouldn't be sad though, losing someone that we know could tear us apart. It could crumble our world in a split second without us realising. I couldn't imagine how I'll be if my mom ever left me alone. My world would be black and white and it would shut down like nothing matters anymore.

I shrugged off the thought and focused back to my surrounding. My mom hugged the girl and smiled weakly at her. She bowed at us so I bowed back. We went out of the room and I was just following my mom around, greeting a few of her friends.

'i need to go to the toilet, wait here okay' my mom said holding both of my arms. I nodded and my eyes wandered around once my mom left. This funeral house is quite big.

After my eyes scanned the hallway, my eyes landed on the room we entered just now. It was all dark now but I could clearly hear sobbings coming from there.

Being a person who doesn't believe in ghosts, my feet started walking towards the room. And people say curiosity kills the cat—so I carefully looked through the room with only my head inside the room as I held the wall so that I won't fall.

As I scanned the room, I saw a girl. Her back was facing me and her shoulders were going up and down—it looked like she was crying.

I just stared at her as I felt bad and I know I won't be much help. But suddenly she started hitting herself.

My eyes widen as I ran towards her. I sat beside her and quickly held her hand to stop her from continuing hitting herself and stared into her eyes. She was trying to squirm her hands out of mine but I held her tighter.

'let me go!' she said between hiccups. 'leave me alone as I am' she added. 'you are not alone' I said as I tried to hold her hand since she was squirming to get her hands out of my hands.

I let go of her hands and quickly pulled her into my embrace. She tried to pushed me away with her hands pushing my chest away but I just held her tighter.

After awhile her hands stop pushing me but instead she started hitting my chest slowly but it didn't last long. She slowly stopped and just cried again. 'let me go' she said softly. 'leave me alone, please. just let me be alone as it is' she added.

'everyone just leaves me alone, so you should too' she continued.

'no one should be alone' I started off slowly. 'and you are not alone. I'm here with you aren't I?' I asked. 'you are now' she chuckled softly. 'but you are just gonna leave me alone like everyone else does' she said softly.

'so please, please spare me those fake hopes and just leave' she whispered. 'I'm not gonna leave you, never. I'll be with you until the end of my breathe' I said—determined.

'I, Na Jaemin, promise to be by your side until the end of time' I said. 'now come on, let's get you home' I smiled still hugging her.

All she did was continued crying and all I could was pat her back slowly and held her tightly in my arms—making sure she knows that she's alright.

I rubbed her back and stroked her hair—getting her hair out of her face. 'you'll be alright' I whispered—which she cried harder. I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter, in hopes I could send her strength through my hug.

She stopped crying and we just sat there hugging each other as she laid her head on my chest.

'let's get you home hmm' I said trying to persuade her again.

'no' she said.

'for all I know you could be a serial killer' she added.

'why would a serial killer come to a funeral house? to visit the people he killed is it? that's just dumb you know' I said.

'plus I'm here with my mom from earlier remember, so let's go before she thinks I got kidnapped or something' I said.

'fine, I trust you' she said softly, wiping her dried tears in the process.

We walked out and I immediately saw my mom in the hallway looking for someone—me of course.

'wait here, my moms' over there. promise me you'll wait for me here' I said. 'I promise you I'll wait for you here' she said playing with her fingers.

I don't know why but my brain just made me pat her head. I blushed and immediately walked away.

'mom' I said as I held her arm. 'jaemin where did you go? I was worried sick' she said and frowned. 'I'm fine mom' I chuckled.

'I met the girl from earlier, she was crying at first then she started hitting herself—'

'wait where is she now?' my mom asked cutting me off. 'over there' I said and pointed towards her.

'I kinda made a promise to be by her side at all times' I said scratching my head.

My mom held both of my arms and smiled. 'If you think that is the best option then go for it' she kissed my forehead.

I smiled then both of us went towards the girl earlier. 'hey this is my mom' I said.

'hello dear' my mom smiled at the girl and pulled her into a hug. She was about to cry so I tapped on my moms shoulder so she let the girl go. 'I'm Jaemin's mom, a friend of your mom' my mom said slowly. 'what's your name?' she quickly added and smiled.

'I'm Im Ahyoung' she said softly.

'do you remember me?' my mom asked carefully. 'I do, you were always there at every holiday party my parents hosted' she said softly. 'I've seen you grew up over the years, I'm glad you recognised me' my mom smiled.

'do you wanna stay over at our house tonight?' my mom said and held both of her arms. 'is it okay for you?' she asked. 'I don't mind at all in fact I love having guests over' my mom chuckled.

'okay min you take her home and help her pack some clothes, I'll head home and cook some dinner for you both' my mom smiled.

'thank you ms. Na' she said softly as her tears slowly left her eye. 'oh don't worry about it, you're like a daughter to me now' my mom smiled and hugged her again.

'go home and pack your stuff with my son alright? his name is Jaemin, if he bothers you then you tell me later okay' my mom smiled. 'excuse me? i'm your son remember?' I asked after being quiet the whole conversation.

My mom just chuckled and playfully hit my arm. We bid my mom goodbye and walked out of the funeral house. We decided to ride a cab to her house.

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