Character Profile

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Name: Leonardo Dubois 

Title / Nickname: Leo, two faced brat, womaniser, playboy

Age: 19

Occupation: Righthand man of Prince Alexander Von Granzreich

Appearance: He's 183 cm tall  with strawberry blond colored hair which reaches his shoulders, and his bangs go across his right eye. He has cool light blue eyes and usually wears his top two buttons down revealing a little of his chest. His way of clothing is usually loose and playful, giving him the flirty appearance. 

Personality: He is flirtatious and a smooth-talker. A consummate ladies man, he  is fond of flattering women with his words. He is also shown to be carefree. However if someone threatens Alexander he turns to a whole different person, he becomes cold, ruthless, sadistic and unforgiving.

Likes: Alexander, flirting with women, wine, sparring with Alexander

Dislikes: People who hurt Alexander, people disrespecting Alexander, annoying people

Current Family:

Father: Unknown Deceased

Mother: Unknown Deceased

Background: When Leonardo was a kid he was thrown out of his house by his parents due to unknown reasons. His parents didn't really care about him so when he heard that they died he felt no sadness instead happy. One day, when Alexander was on one of his royal duties he saw him starving and almost near death. Alexander took a liking to him and saved him and appointed him as his righthand man. And for this reason he has sworn to protect Alexander with his life.


Master swordsman, Master martial arts, Master at archery, Master of guns, Master strategist, Master of dual wielding, Master of drinking alcohol, Immune to poisons, Master at weaponry

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