The Boy Next Door x Nomin

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Jaemin sits on his bed, scrolling through Instagram and watching stupid videos to post time. It was almost midnight and he'd rather be anywhere but here.

He's recently moved into his new house, which was far away from his old one. He moved in with his step father because his mother passed from cancer, and his step father was the last one he had left.

His step fathers not mean, he doesn't do alcohol, he doesn't do drugs and he doesn't hit him, he's just always busy with work. He's a famous businessman so he has no time for Jaemin. He was always lonely, missing someone that was already long gone. He sighed as he turned off his lamp and got comfortable in his bed, and closed his eyes.

Not even 5 minutes later, he heard something hit his window. He decided to ignore it, but then something hit it again. Jaemin got up and opened his curtains to see a boy, about to throw another rock. He immediately opened the window and held his hands infront of him.

"Don't throw!" He yelled down, and the boy stopped. Jaemin couldn't see his face well, but he seemed around his age and an eye smile?

"Your new here right? My names Jeno! Yours?"  The boy called out and his voice was soothing, almost a soft tone.

"Jaemin!" Jaemin thought since he was alone and bored here, he might as well try and make a friend.

"Nice! Well- you wanna come down so we can stop yelling!" Jeno yelled back, and Jaemin said a quick 'ok' before closing his window and scurrying down the stairs to the back door.

He ran out as he did he grabbed his coat and put it on. He then was met face to face with the boy and that's when hit breath caught in his throat. The boy was- beautiful. His eyes were so bright- so big and his lips were so immersing to look at it was addicting. His face was perfectly defined and his jawline was very sharp, he was a little bit shorter than Jaemin and had black hair while Jaemin had golden brown.

"Wow- your handsome!" Jeno said out-loud and displayed a eye smile, Jaemin swore his heart skipped a beat and his face heated up.

"Thanks." Was all he could say.

"Well, it's almost midnight, wanna hang out? I'll show you around!" Jeno said and Jaemin couldn't help but smile as he said a 'ok' and they started walking down the sidewalk.m

Jeno showed him lots of things. From bars and clubs to neighborhoods and houses to abandoned hotels and haunted places- he showed him all. Jaemin was suddenly fascinated by it all by the way the boy was explaining it. He was so cheerful and full of life it was like a gravitational pull towards him.

They were now sitting on a bank of a small river stream, whenever Jeno broke the silence.

"Why'd you move here?" He asked, and Jaemins heart sank as he thought about his mother.

"My mother passed away, the only person I have left is my step dad." Jaemin whispered.

Jeno smiled at him softly, and Jaemin felt a warm hand go over his soft one, and he looked up to make eye contact with warm brown orbs.

"I know how it is, I know how you feel." Jeno whispered as stared at Jaemin with a soft but pitiful look. "My parents are both gone as well." He whispered as he looked away and stared at the river.

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