A Surprise Decision

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I'm woke up with the sun. This wasn't unusual for me, but I assumed Lucy would be asleep for little while longer. I sat there, wondering what I should do while I waited.
        I had slept very well, better than I had in a while. Lucy and her comrades, Natsu and Happy, had such warm and caring personalities. They were friendly, and also seemed like a lot of fun. I though back to what Lucy had told me the night before.

      "Though I'm fairly new to the guild, I'm treated the same as those who have been there their whole lives. Everyone there is so kind and fun, and a little bit crazy, in a good way. I've gone on so many adventures with them, and I'm the happiest I've ever been. We're like one big family!"

      Her smile was so genuine. The memories of her time with the guild, though that time hadn't been very long, were powerful enough to bring her unbelievable happiness. For a moment, the thought crossed my mind.

      What if I were to join Fairy Tail? What if I were to find a home and family there? What if I were to go on adventures, and be happier than I'd ever been before?

       I shook it off. There's no way they would ever accept someone like me, never. They may be like a family, but a family was something I wasn't meant to have. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn't notice Lucy until she was right in front of me.

      "Morning Akita, did you sleep well?" She asked, her usual smile on her face.

     I nodded. That was another thing. How could someone find so many reasons to smile? How could she do it so easily? I envied her.

    "You must be hungry!" She said, "how about I make us some breakfast, then we can head to Fairy Tail. I want you to see the guild!"

      I nodded politely, but my thoughts were racing. Had she read my mind? What was I supposed to do? Underneath it all was the nagging thought: I want to be a part of Fairy Tail. She must have noticed my worried expression.

      "Listen, Akita," She said gently, "I know you don't have anywhere to go. Trust me, I can tell. Why don't you check out the guild, and see what you think. We would be happy to have you! I'll make sure they know to keep their hands off!" She grinned.

       I nodded again, speechless. What would I be doing right now if I hadn't met her? This was so sudden! One half of me, the smart half, knew joining Fairy Tail was out of the question. The other half was excited. Maybe I could give it a chance. Not for long, just until I figured out my next move. At least it would be a way to earn money. Joining the guild didn't mean I had to join the "family," I decided. I could avoid becoming too close to them, avoid being "family." I would just be a guild member. Why not?

Okay, it's not the best, and it's
pretty short. But obviously next chapter she's gonna meet the guild so that should be nice.

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