Akita vs Gray

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      I sprinted down the streets of Magnolia. The large amount of people made navigating difficult. Most of the other Fairy Tail members had run out as well, but I had lost sight of them. Where would Laxus be? I didn't really know him, so I would just have to keep searching and hope I would find him.

    I was so focused on my thoughts, I wasn't watching where I was going. I collided with someone, and fell backwards. It was Gray!

     "Sorry about that," I grinned sheepishly, "I wasn't really watching where I was going. Any luck?"

     He shook his head and said, "None so far. I was just about to search the main street. Wanna come?"

     I nodded, and we sprinted off. It was comforting to be with someone else. As we approached the main street, I got a bad feeling. I didn't see any immediate threats, but I was on high alert. But what happened next, I wasn't ready for at all.

      All of a sudden, writing flashed in front of our eyes. I stopped suddenly, and held out my hand. Though it didn't look like there was anything there, we were trapped by a magic barrier. 

      "Whichever wizard proves themself to be stronger will be allowed to exit the barrier," Gray read, "Dammit! This is Freed's work!"

      "So, we're supposed to fight each other?" I said nervously, "Sorry, but, you're way too strong, I think I'm just gonna forfeit, you go on ahead.

     "Akita! Are you sure about this? You'll still be trapped in the barrier!"

      "It's fine, I'll just have to leave it up to you to save the others, okay?"

       He nodded and ran off. I sat down. No matter what, I would never fight a friend, there was no way. What was I supposed to do while I was trapped here? I hoped that the guy who did this, I think his name was, Freed, I hope he gets defeated soon. Maybe then this stupid wall will disappear. 

       I actually felt kind of sad. I had really been looking forward to enjoying the festival, but then this happened. I hoped they wouldn't cancel the parade. Even more than that, I hoped Erza, Lucy and the others would be safe, I would never forgive myself if they were hurt. All of a sudden, a figure appeared out of thin air. He had green hair. A member of the Thunder Legion!

      "You must be Freed," I said.

       He nodded and said, "While your choice wasn't technically a breach of the rules, I still find it extremely aggravating. I cannot just stand by and allow you to sit there and do nothing. If you won't fight Gray, you will fight me. I won't go easy on you. You're going to lose, and painfully. Consider this a lesson."

     He got ready to fight, and so did I. They way he talked annoyed me a whole lot, acting all high and mighty. Who did he think he was? I changed into fire form and summoned two earth swords. He could only create enchantments, there was no way he could beat me! Arrogant jerk.

     Before I got the chance to make a move, my entire body filled with pain. I screamed and fell to my knees. Every part of me burned so badly. I couldn't think, breathe, move, speak. I just wanted it all to end. But it didn't. I was barely aware of what was going on anymore, just pain. It felt like it lasted forever, consuming me. Finally, it stopped.

      I opened my eyes, and the man was gone. My clothes were torn, and I was covered in injuries. I was sure I had some broken bones as well. Who the hell was that guy? What did he do to me? I had no energy left. I slowly closed my eyes, unable to fight the exhaustion, slipping into unconsciousness.

     In my dream, everything was dark. I felt the presence of someone behind me, but I wasn't sure what it was. Slowly, my feet were sinking into the  ground. I screamed and cried out for help, but no one heard me. The presence behind me grew stronger and stronger until I felt hands around my neck. The touch was cold, like pure shadow. Instead of choking me, the hands sucked away my life force until slowly, I too became a shadow.

      I woke up, gasping for breath. My hand went to my neck, but of course, it had been a dream. I stood up instinctively, then cried out as the pain from my injuries. Before, I could sit down, I saw a huge pillar of lighting shoot into the sky.

     That must be Laxus! That jerk was gonna pay for everything he had caused! Ignoring my injuries, I ran off toward the source of the blast. There was no way I could fight, but it didn't matter. I finally reached my destination, but was greeted by a surprise. It was Natsu!

      "Akita!" he shouted when he saw me, "You look pretty rough! You sure you're okay to be on your feet?"

       I nodded, "What's going on?"

        He explained about the statues, the Thunder Palace, and that he could handle Laxus alone. I was worried about him, but he told me he would be fine, it was Erza who needed my help. Thanking him, I ran off to find her.

       The streets were still filled with townspeople. Did the really not notice what was going on? i weaved through the crowd. I knew Erza was somewhere close.

      Finally, I found her. She had summoned hundreds of swords, and looked exhausted. 

     "Akita," she said, relieved, "what happened to you?"

     "Freed." I said grimly, "It looks like you could use some help!"

      Before she could protest, I put my hand on her shoulder. I focused all my magic energy on her, letting it flow into her. I left just enough to summon a sword, I wanted to destroy a lacrima too! I wasn't sure how, but she said everyone in the guild was destroying them too. On the count of three, we sent our weapons flying toward the lacrimas. I braced myself, Natsu had warned me about the body link magic. 

     The shock hurt, but not as bad as I had expected. Completely drained of power, I passed out onto the ground beside Erza. We really do make a wonderful guild, I thought before the world went dark, but we sure do go overboard.

    I woke up in the infirmary, again, bandaged all over. No one was around, so I headed downstairs. Everyone seemed kinda down, and I learned that Laxus had been kicked out of the guild. Much to my relief, the parade would still be taking place, but tomorrow.

    "Akita!" I heard Erza shout behind me, "I tried to kill Freed, but Mira wouldn't let me! But, I did manage to teach him that he ever lays a finger on you again, not even Mira could save him"

    I laughed and shook my head. They certainly made life interesting! Though sometimes things got tough, I could always count on them to have my back. I can't wait to see what our next adventure will bring!

A/N So it may have been a bit rushed, but I actually kind of liked it

I made it longer than usual to make up for not updating yesterday

Thank you guys so much for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoyed

Please have a wonderful day!!

Love you all <3

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