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       The morning was cold and clear. There was a slight wind, and the sun shone palely. I yawned, and stretched my arms, wincing slightly at the soreness. The rocks were freezing cold and I shivered, getting up stiffly. I would run out of food by the end of the day. I really had to get back, or I would be in serious trouble. 

       I closed my eyes and breathed in, trying to think. The air was crisp, and smelled like snow. I hadn't brought the right clothes, and I was starting to get very cold. There were no clues, no trail, and I had no idea how to get home. Best start walking then.

      I starting walking back the way I came. My best bet was to retrace my steps, even if it took forever, or at least until I starved to death. Luckily, walking around warmed me up a bit. I wracked my brain, which way had I gone from here? It had been so dark, and I had been so afraid.  I took my best guess and kept going. 

    After a couple of hours, I resigned myself to the fact that I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings the day before, and was hopelessly lost. Then an idea hit me. I'll climb to the top! From there I should be able to see the village no problem. It was a difficult climb. The rocks were slippery and unstable, and it got colder the higher up I got. I still couldn't see anything but the rocks, and the closest mountains blocked my view. So I climbed higher still, nearly falling to my death several times. Finally, I reached the highest point I possibly could. 

     I looked out over the landscape below, and my breath caught in my throat. I could see the clouds that ringed the higher peaks. The land below was covered with a light mist. The deep browns and reds of the autumn landscape sparkled. The lakes shone in the pale sunlight, glinting like jewels. The forests were interspersed with grassy fields, some colored red or yellow with flowers. I could see thin, winding roads, and small houses. The rocky cliffs below, some covered with snow, some barren and jagged, stretched off into the distance. The purple shadow of the cliffs covered parts of the land. The horizon seemed so far away, yet so close I could touch it.

       My fears vanished, tears rolling down my face. I had never seen anything so beautiful. I sat down, overlooking the scene. I sat perfectly still, reluctant to disturb the moment in any way. There was no need to take a picture, even if I could. What I saw that day would forever be a part of who I was, I could never forget it. I regretted not being able to stay to see the sunset and the stars. Here, they would be magnificent. I searched the landscape with my eyes, until finally I saw it. A cluster of homes, and I wasn't too far away from it. Knowing that, I smiled to myself. I would never forget where this place was, and I vowed to bring the others here for a day. We would see it by sunlight, then see the sunset and the stars. If I ever needed something to hold on to, that dream would be it. I sighed, wishing I never had to leave, then reluctantly began to climb down.

         I made it to the village an hour or so later, still in shock. Whenever I closed my eyes, the beauty of it all filled me with longing. I took a deep breath, and much to my surprise, blinked away tears. Shaking it off, I went back to the mayor's house.

        He wasn't in, but his maid (?) thanked me and gave me the money. 400, 000 jewel. I wasn't going to keep any of it, it was all for Lucy. After all, I felt I had already been paid with something more valuable than any amount of jewel. I got my stuff from the hotel, and headed to the train station, eager to surprise Lucy. 

      When the train ride finally ended, I ran to the guild as fast as I could. I burst in the doors, a grin on my face. The others turned to see who it was, and greeted me with joy and relief. 

      "Akita!" I heard Erza shout behind me, "That was not a solo mission! Not for you! You could have been killed!"

      I shrugged apologetically, too happy to care, as she pulled me into a tight hug. When she let go,  I just stood there, a stupid smile on my face. "Lucy!" I shouted, waving her over, "This is for you!"

     I thrust the bag of money into her hands. When she saw how much it was, she looked at me in shock. "Don't you want some too?"

     I shook my head, "Nah, It was always meant for you, besides, I got my reward."

    With that, I smiled and headed home to shower and change my clothes. I coudn't help being proud of my first job. Not to mention I was still slightly fazed from the breathtaking sights I saw. Remembering my promise to myself, I smiled. I would keep that promise! Overall, I was glad I took the job. It led to an amazing adventure. But then again, with Fairy Tail, what doesn't?

A/N I love this, hope you do too

       love you all, cya next time <3

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