Saving our Comrades

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Lyon was ready to go ahead and cut it off, but Gray wouldn't allow it. He was having a hard time holding back his fellow ice mage. I stepped in. "Lyon, no," I said getting inbetween him and Erza, "there has to be a better way." Finally he relented. Before we could decide what to do next, Erza fainted. I could feel panic welling up inside me when Carla, Wendy's Exceed said something that gave us all hope. Wendy was a sky dragon slayer, and that meant she had healing abilities. Right now, she was Erza's only hope, so rescuing her was a top priority.
       Everyone split up into groups. I stayed behind with Lucy and Hibiki, not wanting to leave Erza's side. I was so worried for my dear friend. In the time since I had joined Fairy Tail, she had become like an older sister to me. We had been through so much together! There was no way I was going to lose her like this! Waiting and doing nothing made me feel so helpless. It was tearing me apart! "Lucy," I said, "I can't just sit here, I have to do something!" I didn't mean to shout, but the words came out louder than I had expected.
      "I know," she said sadly, "Hibiki, is there anything Akita can do right now? Surely there's a group near by she can join." Hibiki thought for a minute, and was about to answer, when he received a message, Natsu had found Wendy and he was on his way. I breathed out a sigh of relief and tried not to feel useless. Whether I liked it or not, there would most likely be many battles ahead, so I needn't feel left out. Sure enough, Natsu soon came with Wendy and Happy.
      I watched nervously as Wendy healed Erza, holding my breath. Finally, Wendy gave us the news that everything would be okay. The others began to talk, until Natsu mentioned Jellal. My mind went blank for a second. He was here? How? Wasn't he dead? Oh no..Erza! I looked at her to make sure she hadn't heard, but she had already run off. Hoping I could catch up to her in time, I ran after her. She mustn't face him alone! I hoped desperately that there was some mistake, Jellal couldn't really be here right? I was beginning to lose sight of her, how was she so fast? "Erza!" I shouted, but it was too late, she was out of earshot. I should have known better than to shout like that. All of a sudden I was surrounded by hooded figures. My thoughts filled with worries for Erza, I tried to focus on the situation at hand. If these creeps wanted a fight, that's what they were getting.

Yeah I updated again, I know these are getting infrequent, but the school year makes it tough. Thanks for sticking with it! Love y'all! It's not my best work but I just want to get through this arc. The Edolas arc will not be happening because There will be a different arc that happens to Akita while the others are in Edolas. That arc will be the point of the story and I'm not sure if I'll continue the story after that, it depends. Anyways, bye 💕👆

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