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I woke up in a bed with white sheets and white pillows.

Welp I guess Mason did it. He put me in an insane asylum.

Looking around more I seen I was in a hotel room. I swore I fell asleep in the car. I look around and see Mason in the bed next to mine and clothes scattered along the floor. Loud laughing gets my attention, seems like it's coming from next door.

I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom.

Shutting the door behind me I set my clean clothes on the sink and turn the shower on.

'God I haven't had a shower in a minute'

I thought to myself as I step in, it was hot but that's how I liked my showers. The burning against my skin felt relaxing to my muscles. I squirt some of the hotels shampoo into my hair and start scrubbing. When finished I rinsed it out feeling the bubbles slide down my body. Unlike Mason I was more on the curvier side and I was short girls say I'm blessed with thick thighs and a butt, I never thought that. I hate how my body is but what girl is confident about themselves these days? I wouldn't say I'm fat because I'm not but I'm just insecure with how my body looks.

After I was done with my shower I got out and started drying myself with a towel. Once I was done drying my legs off I slipped some panties on and started drying my top half. I heard some of the guys enter the room maybe to wake Mason up. I set the towel down on the sink and grab my bra but I felt my stomach drop when I heard the door open.

I turned to see Swagger shocked as well.

I screamed and tried to cover my chest "Get out!" He quickly shut the door and I felt my face heat up. I slip on my bra along with black leggings and a hoodie. When I get out of the bathroom I see Mason pinning Swagger against the wall.

"What's your problem huh? You think my sis is just some other bitch to fuck?" Mason was basically gritting his teeth and Swagger was shaking his head "man I didn't mean to I had no clue she was in there" Toby was trying to get Mason off of Swagger but Mason was not giving in. I sigh and grab Masons ear pulling him away. "Macey. He didn't mean it. I'm fine" I called him by his nickname that I gave him when I was 5.

He huffs and pulls me out of the room. "Don't trust him Max. He uses girls and I don't need him breaking you like he did" I knew exactly what he meant. We were in the elevator going down, not sure where he's taking me but I don't think about it too much.

Mason has always been there for me, my protector. My parents usually went away for business trips while I was growing up so Mason always played games with me and cooked for me till I could take care of myself. When I was about 14 was when Mason started throwing parties when my parents were out of town which got him into drugs. My brothers friend and I hooked up and got together but he kinda... fucked me over.

We were exiting the hotel and we started walking down the sidewalk until we heard noise behind us. I turn around and Toby jumps on Masons back.

"Oi the fuck man?" He curses and pushes Toby off of him. Swagger comes up to me and Mason "hey I wanted to apologize to the both of you, I really didn't mean too. I didn't see anything anyways if that helps"


He stared at me for a solid 10 seconds before closing the door.

"It's alright. I'm sorry for being a dickwad" Mason held his hand out and they pull each other in for a man hug. "Yeah like I said it's cool. No problemo." I shrug and Swagger nods "are we gonna get food or what? I'm starving!" Ryan groans and I giggle.

We found a restaurant a block away and lucky for us they had a couple of English menus. We sat in a big booth, I sat in between Ryan and Swagger. The waitress comes up and asks us for our order.

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