Sequel Chapter Thirteen:The Fight To End Everything

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Okay, so I'm going yo start this thing where I want you guys to comment on my chapters if you liked it or if you didn't and who your favorite is. Once this chapter reaches the comment quota, I will upload the next one. Sound good? I'm not getting a lot of feedback from you guys and I really want to know what you think so I'm going to start doing that with every chapter starting with this one. Good stuff? Here's chapter thirteen (:

Harry POV

I rolled over as the light shown through the window onto my face. I could tell it was going to be a bright one today. I looked over at Aria who was still sleeping soundly. I knew I had to get her up to go to work but I kind of didn't want to. She looked so beautiful when she slept. Even more when she was naked. I smiled at myself. 

"You're so childish," she said with her eyes still closed. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I tightened my grip on her waist. 

Her eyes opened now. "You were smiling because I'm naked." 

"No I wasn't," I lied. 

"Mmm. You're such a bad liar." She leaned over and kissed me. "I don't want to go to work." 

"I thought you loved it there." 

She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through my hair. "I do. But I like being in your arms way better." 

"Oh.." I kissed the top of her head. "You go get ready and I'll go make you breakfast."  

She nodded her head. I got up and heard her scream behind me. I turned around and her hands were over her eyes. "Harry!" 

"You've got to be kidding me," I said through laughs. 

"Just put some boxers on." 

"You weren't saying that last night," I said with a huge smirk on my face as I walked over to my dresser to put on some boxers. 

"Bite me." 

"Okay." I jumped on the bed and began biting her neck. 

She burst out in laughter. "Harry!" 

"What," I said against her neck. "You told me to." I kissed her neck one last time before I left the bedroom to make her breakfast.

Aria POV

As I thought, today was a slow day being that it was Saturday. We never really had any customsers this day. Most of them were on the weekdays and really on Fridays. "Cam," I whined, throwing my head back and trudged my feet to the front where my coworker was. I loved Cam. He was like my new best friend and i knew Harry wouldn't be mad at me, being that Cam was gay. He was like the brother i always wanted.

"What's up sugar plum?" He was wearing a blue plaid Hollister shirt with dark skinnys. It worked with his dark complexion.

I jumped onto the back counter, facing the front of the store behind him. "Why is it so boring here?"

"Because it's Saturday. You know we don't get any customers." I nodded my head and tried to hold in my laughter as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

And then a familar figure stepped into the store. "Mason!" I ignored the look Cam gave me and walked around the counter to hug my old friend.

"Aria! I didn't know you worked here." He returned the hug. "I walked by this place everyday not wanting to come in here but now i do." I could feel myself blush. Wait, i was blushing? Aria, you're happily married and are in love with your husband. You have kids for God's sake.

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