Sequel Chapter Fifteen: Zayn and Affy

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I had to just upload this even though not a lot of people commented. So I just uploaded anyways. And i'm dedicating this chapter to this person ^^^^ because she always comments on my chapters and i love her for it :D So here's chapter 15. Sorry if it's short ._.

Affy POV

A couple weeks passed making it June now. Aden's birthday was coming up and Zayn and i have been planning it forever along with me planning Aria's birthday party leaving me no time to hang out with anyone. I was currently on the couch watching Aden rock back and forth in his little rocker while i was on my laptop looking up more presents for him and Aria. It's funny how a person who's only going to be a year old can get so many people wrapped around their little fingers.

Zayn came out of the bedroom after taking a little nap. He was only dressed in his boxers being that it was June and getting warm out. He came over and kissed me on top of my head before he went over to Aden and picked him up. "How's my little man doing?" Aden let out some giggles and smiled up at him, nuzzling his head into Zayn's neck. I smiled at the sight and went back to my work on the computer.

"What are you looking at," he asked sitting next to me with Aden in his lap. He reached out for me and i put the laptop aside as Aden crawled onto my lap.

"Looking at more presents for Aden of course. And some for Aria."

"Mm." He nodded his head.

"How was your nap?"

He smiled at me. "I still look gorgeous." He got closer to me, putting his lips on my neck.


"What," he asked against my neck. "I'm just kissing you."

"Yes, on my neck while Aden's in my arms." Aden shifted in my arms and faced Zayn. He started tapping him on his face with his hand, basically slapping him over and over. I laughed. "See? He doesn't like it."

Zayn rolled his eyes and then picked up Aden and laid him down on the other side of the couch, blowing raspberries on his stomach. He got lots of giggles after that one. "Got him back," he said looking back at me and giving me one of his famous smiles. "Why don't we go over to Harry and Aria's for dinner? Being that we haven't talked or seen them in a long time."

"Do you think they'll mind being that it's last minute?"

He shook his head. "I don't think so. Why don't you call them?"

"Why don't you call them? It was your idea."

He picked up Aden and walked back over to his rocker. "I'm with child."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, taking out my phone and dialing Aria's number. A few rings later she answered. "Hey girl! I haven't heard from you in awhile."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've just been busy with a lot of things."

"I understand and i still love you. How's everyone there?"

"Great. Aden's turning one soon."

She sighed. "Yes i know. It's weird how old he's going to be. I can remember him being in your stomach."

I laughed. "I can say the same thing to you. The twins are turning one soon and Gracie is turning 4. How's she doing by the way?"

"She's been really tired but happy still the same."

"That's great." I looked over at Zayn who gave me a look and then a smile. "The reason i called was because Zayn wanted to know if we could come over for dinner."


"What? It was your idea." He stuck his tongue out at me and i returned the gesture.

I heard Aria laugh on the other line. "No that'll be fine. We can catch up on a lot of things and the kids can play. We actually just got them from Anne's today."

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