(#29) Take A Minute

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*Stacy POV*

It was silent the whole ride until we reached home. 


Oh Jesus, now I'm even using the word. 

 After walking inside of their temporary dome, the first thing I made sure to do was put my phone on its new charger before going to sit on the couch. 

As I waited for everyone to settle and gather around the couch, Yoongi was in the middle while Taehyung and Hoseok sat on each side of him. He looked a little nervous and under pressure, so I looked away from him and started looking somewhere else. But after I heard someone clear their throat, I looked in Yoongi's direction as he looked like he was ready to speak up. Once everyone was there he opened his mouth and spoke. 

As he started explaining I looked around for Alicia, but there was no sight of her. I raised an eyebrow, thinking of where she might be, but I had totally ignored her absence as I brought back my attention to Yoongi. 


*Alicia POV*

I was upstairs knowing that I was supposed to be downstairs with the others listening to Yoongi's side of the story.  I don't know why but, I just couldn't get myself down there. There was just something in me saying that if I'd go down there and say the wrong thing, then I would've just screwed up things more. I already have to keep Yoongi's secret even though practically the rest of the members must have figured it out already since..well you know... 

Since they know Yoongi best. 

As I was sitting in our guest bedroom, just thinking, I jumped as I heard a knock on the door. 


The door cracked showing a familiar face as I sighed and looked back down. 

"What are you doing up here all by yourself?" Stacy asked as she came to sit beside me, causing the bed to creak under her.

"Just...thinking," I replied softly. 

She then took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak, but I spoke before she could say a word.

"Look, I know I should've told you what had happened in the beginning... but I just couldn't," I explained as she listened and I continued. 

"I would've told you if it wasn't too personal, but if I would have, either way, Yoongi would have probably found out and he'd come and hunt me down and then stuff me into my own grave!" 

Stacy looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "It was that bad?" 

I frowned before shaking my head. 

"Yeah, y-you should've seen him. He looked so helpless and broken inside there." My voice croaked as Stacy started looking somewhat guilty. "As if life itself was just sucked right out of him."

After a while of just sitting there in silence, both of us having nothing to say, Stacy then automatically stood up before placing her hand out for me to take. I was confused at first until she started explaining. 

"C'mon, you can't be up here all day, Yoongi's probably almost done telling his story, and I don't think that we should miss any more of it." 

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