14) Let Me Finish -Hitoshi-

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Sexual Interactions(Hetero), Under-aged (15-16), Blowjob, Bondage(Belt), Masturbation


Ahem... I try to bump the ages up to 17 at the minimum, usually, but, this one keeps them in their First Year Ages. Sorry if that squibs you out. I don't mean for that, I promise. About 4,500 words! -Scitah

------------------------------------Story Start------------------------------------

{秘密 (Himitsu) "secret"| の恋人 (no koibito) "lover" Nokoibito }

{紫 (Murasaki) "Purple"} {黄色 (Kiiro) "Yellow"}

"I swear to God," Began the violet haired girl beside Himitsu, "if you don't tell him you like him, I'm gonna steal him out from under you!" A dark promise Himitsu didn't doubt. It was hard for Himitsu to come by friends. Barriers were sort of her thing. Her Quirk was to construct barriers from her own energy supply, so... But with these two very pretty and colorful girls, Himitsu felt bland and undercut and like she was amongst her betters. Murasaki and Kiiro were supposed to be attempting for the Business Department, but got shunt to General Studies. Why, neither would admit. Himitsu was fairly certain it was due to lack of effort on Kiiro's part, and high enough intelligence on Murasaki's part. They had the passion, for sure! 

Himitsu, though, had hoped to do something in the Support area. She could sew and had an eye for aesthetic... But that wasn't good enough for UA. You had to be capable of at least understanding how to craft weapons or gadgets. It was really disheartening for the dark brunnette with black eyes. Made her further gun shy. Felt like a defeat.

But watching Hitoshi during the Sports Festival was like watching hope spring eternal. Made her shy crush become hopeless pining. Never helped that he sat right damn next to her in class! He rarely spoke, but, he deigned to speak most to her. Nothing profound. Just asking about the work or for lead for his pencil. She used super thin lead, which, Hitoshi apparently did, too! He'd recently repaid the lead she gave him by buying her a couple packs. Well! He bought himself a new couple packs and gave her a portion as thanks. 

Kiiro nods, flicking her starkly yellow hair aside. "Seriously. He talks to you."

"Yeah, but... It's never anything personal." Shrugs Himitsu. "I'll just make a fool of myself."

"Himitsu, sweetie..." Murasaki starts, leaning forwards to grip Himitsu's upper arms, making the girl wince. "He's getting ripped, he's going to be part of the Hero Course soon, every one is looking at him like he's a damn snack now. Make your move now, and make it bold. Because you're gonna be hurt super hard when he's snatched up right quick."

"Right." Again, nods Kiiro. "Go get him." She flashes a thumbs up.

Himitsu eyes the two a moment. "Why do I feel like you're both setting me up to fail?"

The two share a look before chuckling. "Because if you fail, that means he's holding out for someone else and our chances become greater." Kiiro shrugs.

Scoffing, Himitsu knocks the two away from her and stands from the couch. "You guys are assholes." She heads out of the Common Room to their laughter.

"We're just messing with you, Himitsu!" Murasaki calls when Himitsu gets into the lift.

Tisking, the brunette sets a hand to her forehead. Pressing for the doors to shut, she stares at the button for Hitoshi's floor and the button for her floor. "Do it or don't? They're right... Everyone's eyes are on him... Could I compete?" Sighing at herself, she presses for her floor, which is under his. "No. I can't compete. There are prettier, better people out there. Not to mention he's probably busy as hell... Though... I wouldn't mind just having the chance to call myself his... To call him mine..." The door opens on her floor and she sets a hand on the open door. Working her lower lip a moment, she takes a deep breath and lets go of the door to press Hitoshi's floor. "Do it or you'll regret it more." That was something she'd told herself when she applied to UA. And while she regretted failing, she was glad to even be here. She beat out others just to get into General Studies, so... There had to be something worth keeping her around for, right?

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