It's Fine. [janis sarkisian x reader]

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pairing; janis sarkisian x fem!reader
summary; janis sarkisian getting jealous about someone flirting with the reader.

"No, you're not hearing what I'm saying. Max is going to propose to Matt, my whole life depends on it." Damien dramatically waved his hands, nearly hitting at least three different passing students.

"You're not hearing what I'm saying. I. Don't. Care. Wes and Isaac are superior anyways." Janis mumbled, fiddling with her empty pudding cup. Damien gasped at Janis' casual insult to his favorite couple.

"You take that back you-"

"Guys! Maybe we should find out what in the hell is going on with Charlie and Ryan before we debate on which couple is better?" You cried out while attempting to scoop out what little pudding was left in your sad, little cup. Lunches were something else nowadays. They were enjoyable sure, but exciting they were not. Ever since the plastics got their shit together for senior year, there's been nothing to moan about other than bad test grades and Broadway couples. You turned your head to look at Janis, who was staring out into nothingness, slowly crushing her empty pudding cup in her palm.

"God. I have no idea what the fuck is up with them." Janis said just above a whisper, dropping the crushed container on her lunch tray.

"Well they're obviously back together but the important part is-" Damien sighed, pulling out his phone.

"What!" You yelped. "You can't just drop the 'back together' bomb on us and not explain your reasoning! I demand answers!" Janis laughed, finally coming out of her head to enjoy the conversation fully.

"No. I have no time for that." Damien argued, viciously scrolling on his phone.

"Damien there's 25 minutes of lunch left." Janice fired back while simultaneously creating a little tower of food garbage in the middle of the table. "That's plenty of time." Janice smirked as she completed her tower, leaning back and prepping some little napkin balls to throw at her masterpiece.

"My Matx slideshow presentation is 30 minutes long, so actually, I don't have much time. I must prove a point." Damien scrunched his face up, trying his best to add finishing touches to his presentation on the shitty Google Slides phone app.

Janis rolled her eyes and sprinkled her napkin spit balls on her trashy tower, wanting to save her little creation. You watched as she did it, becoming increasingly aware of little details you don't usually notice. You bit your lip and turned back to the empty plastic on your plate. Janis finished decorating and wiped her hands on her army jacket, turning to you.

"Yooooo" Janis flopped her arm over your shoulder, leaning most of her body weight on top of you. She began to talk, but you've already tuned her out. Not purposefully, your brain just kinda stopped functioning. Ever since you moved here, you thought you had your feelings under control. You told yourself 'no more falling in love with girls who you have no chance with'. And you thought you'd be fine around Janis, because you have a type. The straight girl you'll never get. Not that you wanted it to be your type, but it wasn't your fault you always fell for the straight ones! Janis was always comfortable with contact, and you thought nothing of it. But over time she was just getting touchier and touchier. Then you realized that she wasn't getting touchier. You were just noticing it more. That made it even harder for you to keep your feelings under wraps. It just-

"(Y/N)? Helloooo, are you alive in there?" Janis knocked lightly on the side of your head, pulling you out of your head.

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't sleep much last night..." You looked down and laugh nervously.

"Well I know what'll make you feel better." Janis sung, dragging out the last syllable. You raised your eyebrow at her. "Getting us some more pudding!"

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