it's a date! [regina george x reader]

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pairing: regina x reader
request: Gretchen revealing Regina has a crush on reader and is using Aaron as her beard instead of revealing that Regina is cheating w Shane, maybe reader is friends w Janis and Damian?
W/C: 1404
Warnings: female reader strongly implied to be a lesbian, maybe OOC Regina, but I don't care

"You won't believe what Gretch told me, Y/N!" Cady yelled as she ran into your basement where you were making fun of a cheesy Christmas movie with Janis and Damian.
"What?" You replied, not taking your eyes off the TV.
"Our plan worked! Gretchen totally spilled all of Regina's secrets!" Cady sat down on the couch. "She said that Regina bought me heels to make fun of me, but I knew that. She's not actually blonde, she's apparently "dark blonde" whatever that means."
"How does any of this apply to me?" you asked her.
"SHH!! I'm not done! I saved the best for last," Cady said, "According to Gretchen, Regina doesn't like Aaron."
"Well then why the hell is she dating him?" You asked her, very confused.
"Well he's popular, and he's cute. Plus, he's very nice. If she was going to hide the crush she has on you, he's the best choice,"  She responded casually.
"The what she has on whom?!!?!?!" You exclaimed almost falling off the couch.
"Wait, Regina is gay?" Janis shot up at the news., "This is great!" She laughed.
"She likes you, Y/N, and I know you like her back." Cady said.
"Wait, Y/N, do you actually like that backstabbing, two timing bitch?" Janis asked you.
"Well when you put it like that, she's absolutely irresistible," you deadpan, "I do kind of like her maybe." you confess.
"Oh my god, why?" Janis replied.
"I don't know. She's cute, really cute. You know when I tutored her last year, she was so nice to me. She's had a complicated life. Of course, that doesn't excuse her actions, but she's been used. She's become cold because she's been forced to." You defended Regina. You really didn't know why you did it because Janis wasn't likely to forgive or forget.
"I think this is great!" Damian said.
"You do?" Janis looked at him in disbelief.
"Of course, the more gays the better," he laughed, "but, seriously. Don't you remember how hard it was to accept that you were gay?"
"I mean yeah, but she didn't make it any fucking easier!" Janis exclaimed.
"I know, but, if there's no other reason, we should at least support our friend. Can you at least no kill her? For Y/N." Damian reasoned.
"I-sure." She sighed, you could see her pout a little, "I hate when you're right." She grumbled.
"You must be constantly miserable, oh wait," Damian teased.
"So what's the plan now?" Cady asked.
"Here we go!" Janis and Damian started planning. Janis was getting more into it. She was still mad at Regina, that was something she may never get over, but she wanted you to be happy. She also really liked making schemes and plans with her friends.
Once the plan was solidified, you went home. The plan was to be executed the next day, so energy was a must. You were so nervous that you could hardly get any sleep. When you woke up in the morning, you didn't even remember going to sleep. Getting ready for school he next day was filled with nervous energy. You tripped over everything and forgot to eat breakfast. You saw Regina at her locker that morning, and she looked a little bit shaken. It was a small look, and it passed quickly, but it was there. You knew what the note said, you planned it out with Damian, as he was the best at this stuff. It said the following:
I know what you've been hiding. Please meet me in the girl's bathroom next to the gym at 11:00.
You had agreed to that version of the note because you didn't want to scare her, but the idea that you might know killed her. She'd want to know if you really knew.
You were nervous as you walked into the bathroom at 10:50. You were early so that you had time to prepare . You were so nervous. You knew Regina. You knew what she could do to you if Gretchen was just messing with Cady or, God forbid, Cady was working against you. Janis and Damian came in as back up at 10:55.
"Guys, I'm freaking out! What if she doesn't show? What if I freak in front of her?" You asked anxiously.
"You won't," Janis assured, "because we're here for you. We'll make sure you don't make a fool of yourself."
"Oh God! Do you think I'm gonna make a fool of myself?" You almost yelled in panic.
"Of course not, you hopeless lesbian!" She yelled as she shook you a little. "You are gonna be okay. I don't understand why you like her, but you do, and she likes you, too."
"But what if-" you were cut off.
"God! Stop with that!" She yelled, "would Caddy do that? She's trying to take Regina down, what purpose would this serve? And Gretchen is too interested in keeping Regina from eating her heart to lie to us about this."
You knew she was right. Janis was good at "war" as she liked to refer to it. She was as logical as Regina, and she always had a plan.
Soon, Regina strutted in like a model on a runway, not like a girl who was walking into a bathroom to greet her secret crush. She always had a knack for faking confidence. Even when the worst had happened, she knew how to act like it didn't matter to her at all.
"So, what do you know?" She asked you.
"I- what?" You asked, genuinely confused, "You haven't figured it out?"
"I know what I think you're talking about, but I'm not gonna tell you something you don't know," she stated.
"I know you aren't straight," you blurted out, mentally scolding yourself for it, "I mean, I know you like me."
"So what do you want?" She asked. She knew how this would go. At least, she thought she did. Usually, someone would ask her for something, to be a part of the Plastics.
"I want to go on a date with you." You said as you stepped toward her a little bit.
"You what?" She asked in disbelief.
"I want to go on a date with you," You repeated.
"You're gay?" she asked.
"Come on! I hang with these gay disasters." You gestured to Janis and Damian. "You really thought I was straight?"
"I-Well I've never seen you with a girl, you know, romantically, so I just assumed," she said, still not believing you.
"Have you ever seen me with anyone romantically?" You shoot back.
"No." She said after thinking back a while. She looked up at you. "How do I know this isn't a trick? Janis might be trying to get back at me for that incident a couple years ago."
"Oh my God, Regina! The only reason that nobody stands up to you is that they're scared of you!" You yelled, causing Regina to be taken aback. "You can't just trust me? I like you Regina! And you're so closed minded that you can't just accept that!"
"I haven't- I mean nobody knows about me, yet," Regina stated. She was nervous, she really liked you, you both knew that, but she didn't think that she'd come out so soon. She didn't have a plan, hell, she'd barely come to terms with it herself.
"I understand, Regina." You grabbed her hand to comfort her."I-I don't want to make you do something you aren't ready for. I'm not asking for you to proclaim it to the world, yet. I just want to date you, movies at my place, making each other dinner."
"Ughh this is exhausting!" Janis groaned, "You like each other, we get it! Just have dates in your houses like Y/N said! God! As long as Y/N doesn't become a bitch,, I'm good." Janis grabbed Damian and stormed out.
"Good luck on your relationship, guys! You're adorable!" Damian yelled as they left.
You two laughed about it for a second.
"Sooo... do you wanna come over on Saturday?" you asked, "We can watch a movie and eat some popcorn!"
"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" Regina exclaimed, glad some of the pressure was off.
"Great! It's a date!" you smiled. You kissed her on the cheek before you exited. Sure the situation wasn't ideal, but you had Regina, and that was something.

credit: you-thinks-wrong-romeo

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