first dates & forever. [janis sarkisian x reader]

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You walked out of Cady's room, having finally decided on an outfit to wear on your date with Janis; which you hoped was suitable because you had no idea what she had planned... and you couldn't even get any answers from Cady or Damian.

"You'll just have to wait and see"

"It'll be fun"

"It's somewhere you both enjoy"

"'s in two parts. But that's all I'm giving you"

Today was your first date with Janis, so Cady had invited you over to help you prepare (And of course Damian tagged along too), while Janis prepared- whatever she was preparing. You'd seen them around school, but you never officially met the trio until about 3 weeks ago. In that short time, you ended up becoming close friends with all of them and even joined them on movie nights. When you would hang out, which was pretty often, Janis would subtly flirt with you, and you never knew if she was just joking or not, and to be honest, you were pretty oblivious to most of it, Damian always ended up pointing it out "What? No that wasn't flirting. Don't be ridiculous" You always responded. Though your stomach filled with butterflies, but what if it was, you hoped. Despite this, you were really surprised when she had finally asked you out. Someone as cool as her and yourself? You couldn't believe it. 

After she had asked you out, Damian had told you that Janis had been crushing on you ever since you met. Even though Janis didn't tell Damian, he just knew. Why wouldn't he? He always knew these things- he even knew that you liked her back. And even Cady was picking up on things.

You finally entered the loungeroom and saw Damian give Cady a nudge to get her attention.

"Wow! It's perfect" Cady squealed.
"Are you sure? It's not too much?"
"Trust me Y/N. Janis will die when she sees you" Damian dramatically responded which caused you to blush. "And" he winks "We know what Janis has planned..."
"Ugh, stop teasing me" You laughed before glancing over at the clock on the wall, noticing that there was only five minutes till Janis was supposed to get there.

You let out a nervous sigh, this was your first date with Janis. The girl who you had been crushing on for a long time, but you never had the guts to speak to her- until the other week.  Actually, this was your first date with a girl, with anyone. Well, that wasn't true, there was one last year, but it doesn't really count if she never showed up.

Just before Janis knocked on the door, Cady & Damian gave you some advice. The final thing that Damian said was that "Y/N. Janis may seem confident and tough on the outside but really she's just a nervous mess. Do you know how much she was freaking out about this date?"

"But don't tell her I said that" he quickly added

"Yeah" Cady nods and added "She's just as much of a useless lesbian as you" This made the three of you laugh which helped calm your nerves.

When she finally knocked on the door, you really weren't prepared for the sight when you opened it.

Standing there speechless, you were stunned. You were so used Janis's usual vibe that you weren't expecting her to be wearing that. Janis would die when she sees me?  Y/N thought back to what Damian had said. More like, I would die when I saw her. She looked beautiful and you loved how it still suited her style. She always had just a unique style and that was one of the many things that you had liked about her.

You and Janis were both standing there, speechless when Damian piped up "Are you too just gonna stand there like dorks? Or are you actually gonna go on a date? You know Cady and I have our own plans" He joked.

Janis gave you a look, before finally asking "You ready?"

"Yep" You nodded, smiling, as she led you out the door "By the way. Wow..." You said, gesturing at her outfit.

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