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(Gabbey's p.o.v)
After lunch me and Jake were playing video games awhile everyone has gone shopping to go to the groceries

"I am gonna win!" Jake said shoving me

"Oh please! You ain't got nothing on me!" I said shoving him back

"OOHHHHH BOOM! In your face!" He said putting his remote down and rubbing his hands in my face

"Yeah! Yeah! You won one game! I won how many?" I said giving him attitude

"Yeah whatever!" He said picking up his remote

"Yeah whatever!" I said mimicking him

Minutes later, Colby and Maddy come down, Maddy wrapped around Colby like a little doll, her face looks like she had a goodnight out with the girls and her hair looked like a birds nest

There were so many emotions going through my body, my head on the other hand was saying other wise and my heart was just broken either way

I hate it, feel like shit! If I could go in the past! I would do it all over again but because things don't work like that, life is not that easy

"Gabbey? You okay?" Jake said looking at me

I look down and then give Jake a fake smile

"Yeah of course! Why wouldn't I be!" I said playing it off really cool

After Maddy left Colby came and sat with us

"What you guys doing?" Colby said all smilie, maybe because he just got laid

"Playing video games! Gabbey! I am getting a bottle of water! Want one?" Jake said getting up

"Yes please!" I said graving Jakes control and selecting what we are playing next

It was quiet between me and Colby and I guess it was a awkward moment but I had to make it less awkward

"Hey" was all that came out of my mouth

"Hey" He said looking up at me with a friendly smile

Jake comes back and sits down

"Guys! I am having another girl over!" Colby said getting up and walking upstairs

Jake looks at me confused and I just shake my shoulders

It hurt! It hurt so bad! I wanted to cry so bad but I can't, I held that shit in and I don't know why

"Wanna go somewhere?" Jake said smiling at me

"Where are we—-"

"Go get dressed and meet me by my car in like 15 minutes!"

"Okay" I said smiling and walking upstairs to my room to bump into a hard chest which was also Colby

"Where are you going?" He said looking at me up and down


"Out where?"

"Colby your not my dad!"

"Hey! I was just asking no need to get mad!" He said graving me lightly but not to rough

I look down at him for a good solid 5 minutes and then back up into those beautiful blue eyes again

"I need to go!" I said pulling my hand away and walking into my room

I don't know what is wrong with me, it's crazy to think that I think I am falling for some person that would probably see me as a object and that would never see me as anything else

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