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(Gabbey's p.o.v)
After having a good day at the water park/ slid'n'slide and spending a time with no internet and just hangout was something that I live for, meeting a couple of fans, taking pictures and talking to them were awesome but it was time to go home

Somehow we all squished into Corey's car and made it home safely

My mind was running wild, I was still thinking about what Sam said to me that I am taking Colby away from Sam, well he didn't specifically say that but I knew where he was coming from

It was breaking me and I wanted to talk to Sam, I wanna to explain to him that I wasn't trying to take Colby in anyway shape or form

As soon as we pulled up, I jumped out of the car and run inside

Run upstairs to Sam's room and went into his room when I found out that Sam wasn't here

I drop to the ground and look around, Sam was amazing friend and I don't want to hurt him

"Sam would be with Kat!" A voice said behind me

"Yeah well I shouldn't be here!" I said getting up to face Corey he was standing at the door frame

I was about to walk past Corey but before I could he graved my arm and look into my soul

"Gabbey! Please! Sam will come around, we don't want another roommate leaving us!"

"Corey please! He's my friend and friends don't leave a friend behind!"

"We are family! And we give each other space!"

I look at him and shake his hand off me

"Well family don't leave family behind!" I walking into my room and changing into a white tank top and black shorts with my white vans and running downstairs

Sprinting to my car and driving around to find Sam

(Sam's p.o.v)
I pull up and walk into Kat's without knocking and slamming the door behind me

"Babe is that you?" She said yelling from upstairs

I don't say anything and just sit there with my head down and thinking about so much

"Babe! Is everything okay?" She said sitting next to me

"I don't wanna talk about it!" I said not looking at her and just playing with my fingers

"Sam! I am your girlfriend! Talk to me! This is what I am here for!" She said pulling me into her chest, her hugs are just a warm feeling when you get when you get food in your belly, sparks when you get your first kiss, she was my everything

"Well..........I got told that Gabbey is taking Colby away from me!" I said looking into her eyes

She rolls her eyes and starts her beautiful laughter

"Sam are you hearing yourself right now?........Gabbey may not
Know this but she is helping Colby and the only person that is stealing anyone away is me! I mean we spend all the time we have together, and I don't let you spend time with Colby! So the only person you should be mad at is me!" She said smiling

"Kat! I don't know, Gabbey is——"

"Sam listening to yourself right now! Gabbey loves you like a brother and you need to open your eyes and see that she is helping the best way she can, I may haven't known her for long but she is a great person"

I look down and start to think about it, I put the pieces together and nod my head

"Your right! I should go and apologise to Gabbey and the family!" I said getting up and was about to leave when Kat graved me

"Do you want something to eat?" She said smiling

I smile at her then looking at the time

"It's getting late but yeah well I didn't eat at lunch!" I said smiling down at her

Wow his woman sure has me wrapped around her finger

(Gabbey's p.o.v)
I was looking around California, I even called Kat 2 times but she didn't answer me

I even looked at the beach

Nothing. Nowhere

I just gave up when it was pure darkness and everything was quite and no one was around

It was 10 at night right now and I was just walking around and thinking about everything, Sam was my friend...........no he was family and I would do anything for him to come back home

Once I got to my car, I was still searching, I was not giving up on him. I was determined to get him home

I called Kat again and she finally answered

"Gabbey what's up?"

"Kat! Oh my god! Is Sam with you?"

"Yeah he was but he is gone home now!"

I single tear came out of my eye, trying my best to not to sound sad on the phone

-Call To Kat-

"Gabbey! You still there?"

"Yeah! Thank you Kat!"

"Gabbey you don't need to thank me, but you can repay me back!"

I smile

"And what would that be Kat?"

"Have a sleepover with me!"

"Okay well that will be on my to-do- list"

"Okay gorgeous, love you stay safe!"

"Okay love you too and you too babe!"

-End of Call-

I just ball out tears to know that Sam is safe, my eyes probably look red and puffy

I pull up and get out the car run to the door and open to see a Sam standing there like he knew that I was coming

I sprint to him and jump on him

"I'm okay" he said hugging back

"Don't do that to me ever again!" I said berrying my face into his chest

He smiles and hugs tighter

"I won't! But I do owe you and the guys an apology"

"Sam listen I know you You think—-"

"Gabbey! Look your an amazing person, your just a beautiful soul and I know that you ain't trying to do that at all!.................................I am sorry!"

I wipe my tears away and smile at him

"Someone beautiful like you don't deserve to cry" He said pulling me into a hug, a brotherly hug that I never got

"So we good now?" Kalika said folding her arms and the boys standing right behind her

"Guys! I am sorry! I just—"

"Jealous! Yeah! We know!" Jake said walking down to us and hugging us both

Soon all of us got into a group hug and it was very comfortable

"Let's go watch a movie in Corey's and Devyn's room!" Kalika said running up stairs

"Missy get yo ass back here!" Corey said chasing after her and everyone was went straight after and it was just me and Sam

But before Sam could walk away I grave his arm

"Sam What made you think that! That I was taking Colby away from you?"

"Gabbey let's not get into that!" He said trying to walk away from me again

"Sam please! I wanna know!"

"Tell you another time but let's go enjoy the movie with the family!"

I just nod my head because I just can't afford anymore arguments

But in my head, all I want to know is who said what and why?

(Hey guys hope you enjoy and like and share with friends and yeah love ya❤️)

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