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(Gabbey's p.o.v)
As shopping was driving me insane, I got more stuff for myself and picked up a couple of jumpers

-Incoming Call from Colby-

"Hey, how long are you gonna be?"

"Just left Victoria Secret"


"Colby! No! Just checking sales! You dirty boy!"

"Hehe that's me!"

"Okay I am coming"


-End Call-

"Took you long enough!" Colby said leaning up against the car

"Sorry! I had to couple of things for dinner tonight and I got you some jumpers because I keep steeling your jumpers" giving him the bag and putting the bags in the truck

I felt a pear of arms wrap around me, I smile at how he can be all an adult but he is child deep down

Then out of no where I turn around and see Colby pull his camera out and film me

"So babe! I have a surprise for you when we get back home!"

I look at him confused

"And I want you to drive home——"

"Wait is this a prank video! Yeah yeah very funny!"

He laughs and shakes his head

"No Gabbey! Just a surprise!" He said smiling behind the camera and dangling the keys in my face, I look at him and then the keys and snatched the keyes

"Boy! This surprise better be real good!" I said starting the car

He laughs and points the camera at me the whole drive home and talking to me about the surprise, giving me terrible hints of what the surprise could be, as soon as we pull into the drive way Colby runs to my side and still has the camera on me

"You know this camera is annoying, put it down! I know this ain't gonna be nothing big, so quit the act" I said looking at him with confused look

He laugh his adorable laugh and smiles his beautiful smile

"Gabbey! Babe! This camera will catch your reaction to the surprise! But first, I am gonna need you to put this on!" He said holding a blind fold out

My eyes widen and look at him

"Cole Robert Brock! We are not gonna make a porno!" I said playing around with him and he just smirks

"I mean!" He said putting a maybe face on

I look at him and shake my head

"I was playing around, you always take things to far!" I said laughing at him and he laughs with me, I put the blind fold on and Colby graves my hand and leads me inside

"Just listen to my voice okay" Colby said standing infront of me, I nod my head and bit my lip in excitement

"Can you hurry up! I can't wait any longer!" I said about to die of how excited I was

"Alright! Take the blind fold off!"

As soon as he said that I ripped the blind fold off and see Colby on one knee and the roommates behind him smiling and cheering

I look down at Colby who was about to tear up and smiling so big

I wipe the tear and smile down at him

"I know that this looks bad but this is not what it looks like trust me! Look I know that I am not a perfect boyfriend and we haven't really been together that long and shit got in between us sometime! But the day I laid my eyes on you was something I will never forget" he took a break, he would start to cry, he looked down and wiped his eyes and Corey brings the camera closer to me and Colby

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