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(Colbys p.o.v)
Waking up in the morning to my beautiful daughter next to me and the sun shining down on her making her look glorious

I smile to myself, I kiss her on the forehead and walk down stairs to get breakfast ready

Bacon and eggs sounds good to me, sorting out the stencils I need, gonna add a bit of fruit and juice

"Morning Colby!" Molly said rubbing her tiny eyes and smiling her gorgeous smile

"Morning gorgeous! You sleep well?" I said picking her up and putting her on the counter

"What are you making?"

"Breakfast for you and your mom! Wanna help me?"

She smiles and nods

"Alright you wanna get me the strawberries and blueberries?" I said putting her down infront of me

She goes straight to the fridge and gets what we need and chocolate bar?

"Molly! That is for later!"

"No no no! Colby! I know what I am doing! Now please put this in the microwave please!" She hands me the bowl of chocolate and i shake my head at her attitude and put it in the microwave for 5 seconds

"Told you! I know what I am doing!" She puts her hands on her hips and clicks her finger with sass

She is definitely my kid

(Gabbey's p.o.v)
The smell of bacon and eggs was smelling so good, my stomach was growling at me

I got up and stop to look at Colby and Molly talking and giggling at things I don't know about you but I am loving this family already

"Hey look who's up?" Colby said smiling at me, Molly runs to me to give me a hug

"Mommy! Colby was just teaching me how to cook!"

I look down at her and smile so big

"Is that so! Your already got
Attitude! what do you think cooking is gonna do?" I said tickling her she giggles her adorable laugh

"Well you haven't got that wrong! Gives me attitude when I was cooking breakfast!" Colby said looking at me with a smile on his face as well

Molly nods her head and runs back over to Colby

"I have a busy day today—-"

"Do you want me to look after Molly today?" Colby said not letting me finishing my sentence off

"If you wouldn't mind! She has school soon! So yeah that would be good to drop her off and pick her!" I said moving my hair out of my face

He nods his head and smiles, I smile back and run upstairs to get ready

Brush my hair, brush my teeth and get into my outfit

Brush my hair, brush my teeth and get into my outfit

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