Last day of school

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It was the last day of school. I couldn't believe i had actually made it. I had survived 13 years of being teased, ridiculed and physically abused everyday. I was so excited to be finally done with him, the boy who wouldn't stop at anything to make my life as miserable as possible. That morning i got out of bed and got dressed, for once i was excited for school. It was the last time I'd have to ever see him. Min yoongi, the boy who made my life a living hell.

I came downstairs to see my stepdad fussing over my half-sister lily. After my real dad walked out on me and my mum when i was only 5 years old she remarried to a disgusting pig who only married her for her money (I was 14). In that same year they had another child, my little sister lily. I love her but i can't stand my stepdad. He acted as if I was just some random girl who was living in his house. My mum was always really busy with her business so she never saw how horrid he really was.  I stepped into the kitchen and my stepdad turned around and looked at me. I watched as a smile spread across his face.
"After school today you're going straight over to your new uni and moving into the dorms there, right?" He asked happily
I just nodded, slightly disappointed by his enthusiasm about the fact i was moving out. I slowly walked over to the table and sat down. To My surprise i watched my mum come out of her office and sit down next to me. She turned to me, tears in her eyes.
"Uh... mum, are you alright?" I asked confused as to why she looked like she was about to burst into tears
"I just can't believe your moving out. You're 18... i can remember when you where just a little baby," i wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tightly.
"Ive got to leave someday," i said in a jokey voice, trying to cheer her up. She nodded and smiled.
"Now hurry up, you don't want to be late for your last day of school," i sighed and picked up my rucksack. I stepped out of the door and waited until I heard it close behind me. I was finally leaving home.

As i walked i began to think about yoongi, why him of all people? I pictured his face, his mint green hair. At one point we where friends. It was such a long time ago.


"Come on Y/N we don't want to be late to our first lesson," Yoongi Shouted whilst giggling as he ran down the corridor.
"Hey! Wait for me, you know I'm not very fast," I called back. He then stopped and waited for me to catch up. Once i had caught up to him the expression on his face changed from happy to concerned. He looked at me as I tried to catch my breath,
"Y/N, are you alright?" He said, worried. I smiled up at him and nodded. As I did so his happy expression returned. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around me and he gave me a hug. "Y/N, will you marry me?" This made me giggle
"Yoongi, we're too young, ask me when we're 18 and I'll say yes."


I never forgot that moment, we where both 8 years old and we did everything together, we were best friends. Things had definitely changed a lot. We where both 18 now, we definitely where not going to be getting married any time soon. I sighed and shook my head, trying to forget about him.
"I should try to enjoy my last day." I smiled "I should enjoy seeing him, for the last time ever."

I finally reached school. Standing in front of the school gates was Minal, my best friend. She ran up to me and hugged me.
"Y/N can you believe it?" She Shouted excitedly
"Um... believe what Minal?"
"That today is our last day of school!" I nodded and smiled at her. She linked arms with me and pulled me inside to our home room.

I discreetly walked in, trying to be as invisible as possible but, of course it didn't work.
"Hey, look who's here!" Called out yoongi in a taunting voice pointing to me. I rolled my eyes at him and went over to my desk and sat down.
"Just ignore him Y/N, he's not worth it," i nodded and pulled out my workbook and tried to focus on that instead, this of course, annoyed the hell out of him. He pulled my workbook out from in front of me and held it above my head. His goons laughed. I looked up and took a deep breath. I was going to enjoy my last day and nothing, not even Min Yoongi and the rest of his gang was going to ruin it.
"Leave me alone Yoongi. Can you just be nice for one day? After that you'll never have to see me again." I said
"Fine," he dropped my workbook. "Come on guys." I watched as Yoongi, Namjoon, seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and jungkook followed him to the other side of the classroom.

Surprisingly, Yoongi seemed to have actually listened to me and he did stay away from me for the rest of the day.

As the end of the day neared I was so glad to finally be done with school, My stepdad and Yoongi. All that was left for me to do was to go home, pack my suitcase and get a taxi to uni and that would be it. I couldn't  wait.

sometimes I didn't even understand why I was mean to her. She was always nice to me, we where best friends. I started to like her and it just seemed like she didn't like me like that so the easiest thing to do was just to be mean to her.

"Hey Yoongi, you alright?" Said Hoseok from beside me as we walked home.
"Yeah man, cheer up. It's our last day of school you should be happy." Jin exclaimed.
"And don't forget you'll never have to see Y/N again so that's another thing to be happy about," Taehyung added. As a matter of fact, I had been thinking about Y/N, a lot, yet I wasn't happy about it. Although I did hate her, I really did, something inside me was upset by the fact I was never going to see her again. I decided just to ignore the things I was feeling. I plastered a fake smile onto my face and said
"Let's not talk about her, let's talk about the fact that we all got into the same uni. How crazy. we're gonna be sharing a room with one other person I just hope we each get to share with each other, otherwise it's just gonna be awkward." Jungkook laughed.
"I thought I was meant to be the dumbest one in the group, I am the youngest after all, there's 7 of us, meaning  that one of us is gonna have to share with a random person, idiot." Jungkook said laughing hysterically.
"Hmmmm" i said to myself "I wonder what kind of person they will be."

My bully became my roommate - Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now