Love song

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It was about 12pm and I was still awake, writing a new song. I sighed and took my headphones off. I yawned loudly and stretched,
"I should probably sleep now," i said to myself. Once I was completely silent I heard soft snoring coming from above me.
"I guess she went back to sleep," a small smile crossing my face. I flipped through my notebook, reading the lyrics I had written. I usually hated writing love songs, I found love songs in general to be so un-original, repetitive but, there was something about this one. As I read I realised that without noticing, I had written about Y/N.

I pushed my notebook under my bed, feeling too lazy to actually get up and put it in my desk drawer and went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I quickly scrambled to turn it off, not wanting to wake up Yoongi. Luckily he was an extremely heavy sleeper. I knew this from when we were young, all the countless sleep overs we had. I had to shake him and yell at him to get him to wake up and even then, he would still sometimes just go back to sleep. Even so, I was still cautious.

Slowly, I made my way down the ladder onto the ground. Even though it was still early, since I didn't do it yesterday I though I'd have a look around the campus. I began walking over to my wardrobe, but as I was walking I tripped over something. A notebook. I knew it was wrong to look but my curiosity got the best of me. I bent down carefully, as to not make any noise and picked it up. I read the words written on the pages, it made me smile to know that even though he had changed so much he was still writing songs. The lyrics were cute, not like the things he would normally write. I loved to listen to him in the school music studio, even when we stopped being friends, whenever I walked past and he was in there (which he was quite a lot) I would stop and listen for a few minuets. His lyrics were so powerful and meaningful but this was different. The lyrics still seemed to mean a lot but the words he used, they were a lot softer, more gentle.

Suddenly, I heard Yoongi move and mumble quietly. I quickly dropped the notebook and grabbed my clothes out the wardrobe before rushing of to the bathroom to get changed.

When I came back into the room he was awake, sitting at his desk. What if he noticed I had gone through his notebook? When I first picked it up it was closed, I left it open.
"Oh shit!" I said a little too loud, after realising he probably knew I had looked through it. He probably hated me even more now, not only was I the stupid, desperate girl he was forced to share a room with but I was also now the stupid, desperate girl who went through his things and read his notebooks. I felt like such an idiot. He turned around, a surprised look on his face. "Oh uh, sorry Yoongi, I uh, um... I-I was just thinking about uh, school that's why I suddenly swore... I um, I'm sorry." I was so sure he was going to say something but instead he made brief eye contact with me before quickly looking away.

I quietly packed a rucksack for the day and left the room. Neither of us saying another word to each other.

I briefly made eye contact with her, thinking about the words she must've seen, I felt my face heat up, I knew I was blushing so I turned away before she could notice as well. She had seen it. She must've. Why else would I've found my notebook open when I took so much care to make sure I left it closed? I was so stupid.

I picked it up and re-read the lyrics, scribbled messily, page after page. As I looked back I smiled. Maybe now that she had actually seen it, it would give me the courage to tell her how I felt, or at least talk to her in a way that wouldn't be considered unpleasant. For once I felt determined, I wanted to talk to her, to amend things. To be honest I missed her, more than anything.

Y/N had been out all day, I so badly wanted to talk to her it's all I had thought about for the whole day that I hadn't actually thought about what I was going to say when I saw her. As I sat at my desk pondering I realised, school was starting tomorrow. Even though they were my best friends, I found myself hoping I wouldn't be in their class. I wanted to be with Y/N and they were always horrible to her. I knew I couldn't really talk because I was the ringleader of it all, but I finally decided I wanted to be with her. I wasn't sure how I would go about doing it, but I was going to try. As the thought of us being a couple went through my mind, the same image kept returning. It was her, rejecting me; the day I told her I liked her. If she didn't like me back then, maybe she still wouldn't like me now... my thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I heard the door open. In walked Y/N. She was giggling, her face was all pink and she was on the phone to someone. I tried not to think to much of it and attempted to focus on something else. I didn't want to interrupt her phone call. Much to my dismay, she stayed on the phone a lot longer than I would've expected; a couple of hours at least. I sighed
"Maybe I'll try tomorrow," I said to myself under my breath, feeling defeated. Before climbing into bed.

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