I love you

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I couldn't believe I was gonna be sharing with Yoongi. I was distraught. I tried so hard just to avoid him for the last 4 years of my life and now I had to share a room with him for 3 more whole years! I couldn't believe it, how did I end up sharing with yoongi? Him of all people.
"Maybe I could talk to the principle and get him to change the rooms around," i said to myself, trying hard not to cry.

I began unpacking, I saw Yoongi had already claimed a wardrobe, desk and the bottom bunk so I began setting up my stuff in the empty places. I decided I would face time Minal to try and help myself cheer up.
"Hi Y/N!" Came minal's cheery voice from the other side of the computer. I smiled at the sight of her face.
"Hi Minal,"
"So uh, are you in your new uni yet?"
"What's wrong? You don't seem to happy about it. I thought you would be happy to have finally moved out, away from that awful step dad of yours and of course from the bullies."
"Well..." I hesitated "the person I'm sharing my room with is uh... y-Yoongi..." there was a long pause.
"Wait min Yoongi?! That awful bully."
"Yup, that very same one," I replied once again trying not to cry. "But I, uh it's fine, I'm gonna talk to the principle tomorrow and change rooms, I should only have to share with him for one night."
"Aww that's shit," Minal said, in an attempt to comfort me.
"Well I should probably get going and check out my lesson time table for when the school term starts." I smiled at her and waved.
"Yeah, ok... good luck," she gave me a small smile back and ended the call. I sighed deeply and then proceeded to climb up to my bed and collapse onto it. Without meaning to i fell asleep.

It was starting to get late, my friends and I had just been messing about, running around campus for the last 5 hours and I was still thinking about Y/N. I wanted to see her again.
"Hey guys, why don't we start heading back to the dorm rooms, it's getting kinda late." I suggested to them.
"Ugh Yoongi, you're such a grandma." Hoseok said jokingly, "come on let's go party!" He yelled laughing.
"Hobi, that's literally your reply to everything," Namjoon replied laughing quietly.
"Guys I'm tired, I'm just gonna go back to the room and sleep, you don't have to come with me." I secretly hoped they wouldn't come back as well, I wanted to be alone with Y/N more than anything.
"Fine, you go back to the room and sleep and we'll all go have fun, like normal teenagers." Tae said, I could tell he was slightly annoyed but I didn't care.
"Thank god." I whispered under my breath as I turned around and walked away back to the dorms.

As i neared the room I took out my key from my pocket, I kept telling myself I didn't want her to be in there but deep down, I knew I did. I held my breath as I put the key in the lock and twisted it. Walking into the room as silently as possible, I looked around expecting to se Y/N... she wasn't there... I couldn't see her. I took a deep breath and sat on my bed feeling slightly disappointed. I pulled out my notebook and headphones from the bag besides my bed, I wanted to finish writing the song I was working on. As I was about to put my headphones on I heard steady breathing coming from above me. I stood up from my bed and walked backwards so I could see the top bunk. She was there, asleep. She was beautiful. Without realising it I began smiling. As I looked at her the more I longed to tell her how I felt about her. How could I do that? I had been mean to her for so long, surely she hated me.

I didn't realise how tired I was, I couldn't believe I had fallen asleep. I slowly opened my eyes only to see Yoongi standing there staring at me, it seemed he was lost in thought and hadn't noticed I was awake. Why was he so mean to me? I cared about him so much. Even though he was so horrible to me for some reason I still cared for him, I still wanted to be with him, but clearly he didn't feel the same way. So why couldn't I get over him?

"Oh uh Y/N?! I uh... I'm sorry I uh" *cough* he spluttered. There was a long pause "Y/N you better not have touched any of my things whilst I was out!" When he started talking I really thought for once he was gonna say something nice, he seemed nervous and vunerable, the last time I saw him like that was so long ago.

"Hey uh... um, Y/N... I uh, um I'm sorry I uh.." Yoongi stuttered quietly
"What's up yoongles?"
"Well..." he took a deep breath "I like you, uh like I really like you..."
I didn't know what to say, my home life was a mess. My mum had just remarried to a horrible guy and I had just been told I was getting a new sibling, although I really cared about Yoongi and to be honest I think I liked him like that as well I couldn't be with him. I just needed a best friend at that time.
"I'm sorry Yoongi... I just..."
"No... don't... it's fine..." after he had finished talking I watched as he walked away
"Yoongi Wait!" I called after him, he ignored me. I watched as he stepped out of the door, "but, I love you..." I said it under my breath so he wouldn't hear but deep down I wished he had.

That all happened when we where 14, when my life went to hell. My mum married the dick who is my stepdad and I lost my best friend. After that day he started being more and more distant, then he became friends with the popular guys and after that, well after that is when he started tormenting me... day in and day out. I wish I could tell him I still had a crush on him but how could I? It was obvious that he hated me.

When she caught me staring at her I wanted to tell her everything, how I still loved her. How the reason I started being mean was because after she rejected me, I couldn't stand to be around her. It hurt too much. But I didn't. Instead I just acted like a douchebag like I usually did. I felt so ashamed of myself. I tried to forget about it and focus on other things, I put my headphones on and lay down on my bed with my notebook and pen in front of me continuing with the song I was writing previously.

My bully became my roommate - Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now