Be alright - MacGyver x Reader

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Merry Christmas! 🤶🏻❤️
Pairing: MacGyver x Reader
Warning: You are cheated on
Description: Your boyfriend never treated you well so things happen with your way too nice coworker Mac who cares about you more than you think.

Merry Christmas! 🤶🏻❤️Pairing: MacGyver x ReaderWarning: You are cheated onDescription: Your boyfriend never treated you well so things happen with your way too nice coworker Mac who cares about you more than you think

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It was 3 am. Mac had already been in bed and asleep peacefully when he heard knocking on his door. Murdoch made him a light sleeper after all that happened so he quickly got up and opened the door after seeing you through the glass.
"Y/N?", he asked confused and sleepily before he felt your arms around his neck and your face pressed against his shirt. Confused he closed the door and embraced you in a hug. That's when he heard the sniffles and felt the tears on his chest.
The two of you had been friends forever, growing up beside each other you grew closer with each year. When he was in the army he sent you letters instead of to a girlfriend or family member, you knew about the Phoenix and had also been a victim of Murdoch's games because he knew how much you meant to Mac.
"Y/N, shhh, what's wrong? What happened?", your best friend spoke rubbing your back and you cried even harder. It took him 15 minutes to get you to calm down a little so he could let go of you to make you both a cup of tea and sit outside.
Sitting beside him you sniffles and held your mug closer to your body embraced with both hands. Mac was quiet, after all you two have been through he knew not to pressure you but wait until you were ready, as worried as he was, he had to be patient.
"He cheated. With my friend Amber. I came home from the business trip early to surprise him and found them. I immediately came here.", you mumbled explaining your business outfit to him, because usually you were more of the casual and comfy type of girl.
"He what? That ass.", Mac grumbled and you sighed.
"Told me I wasn't good enough, how I wasn't pretty and sexy enough and how I never wanted to have sex with him when he's drunk.", you continued and felt Mac place his mug down before curling his hands into fists. You closed your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks unable to stop them. Mac had his arms around you in seconds and pulled you to him mumbling sweet nothings about how your ex was an ass and how he wasn't right. You didn't believe them, but it was nice that he tried.
Your tea was long finished and you just sat there, your head on his shoulder and a blanket around the both of you when you slowly drifted off to sleep. Mac on the other side was wide awake knowing how you were feeling now and that you had believed every single word your ex had spoken. Humming softly he lifted you up and carried you to his bed before laying down beside you. With you two growing up so close it was normal to sleep in the same bed, plus he always slept better when you were beside him.
Laying on his side he watched you sleep peacefully, the mascara you had worn was now on your cheeks, but to him you looked peaceful and calm, almost as if you were a teenager again.
Watching you he felt his eyes close slowly and soon fell asleep.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?", Bozers voice could be heard all through the house before the bed dipped and he landed in between you and Mac.
"Boze, she's had a bad night, let her wake up first, hm?", Mac suggested and you smiled thankfully at him. He smiled back and got up holding your hand under the blanket for a moment before letting go and heading towards the door where a knock had been audible.
While he was gone you explained the whole situation to your second best friend and he hugged you closely while frowning due to Mac's voice from the hallway.
"You wanna get to her, you're gonna have to go through me. You piece of shit, how dare you? This wonderful and beautiful girl is in my house crying her eyes out because some douche, who she is way too good for by the way, cheated on her with her friend! And you seriously have the nerve to come here and request she comes back while being drunk. Fuck off. She's never gonna ... !", you heard Mac say and quickly got up walking to stand beside him and shutting the door mid sentence.
"I wasn't finished Y/N.", he mumbled looking at you. His expression turned into confusion though because he saw you smile at him gently.
"Was what you said true?", you asked and immediately he nodded so you leaned up and pecked the corner of his mouth quickly.
"Thank you my knight in shining armor.", you whispered and with that made him blush.
"God, that's about time you two realize you belong together.", Bozer spoke from the background making the both of you go red this time.

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