Daddys Girl - Mac x childReader

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Okay, this might be weird but I wanted to do one of these because it'd be so cute!
You're 5 in this.

People always called you a troublemaker, you didn't know why, but all of the adults in the foster home did. Quickly you grabbed your backpack and climbed out of the window they still hadn't locked even after you already ran away 5 times, today being the sixth.
Looking around you curiously wandered the streets of Los Angeles and weirdly enough no one paid attention to you. That was until you ran into a brunette woman's back.
"I'm so sorry miss!", you spoke in your high pitched voice looking at the ground when she turned around.
"Oh no! What a sweetheart you are! That's no problem at all, see, nothing happened!", she smiled and crouched down so she was on eye level with you.
"Weally?", you asked curiously tilting your head and she nodded smiling.
"Yes! My name is Riley, what is your name?", the woman gently asked.
"I'm Y/N. You are really pretty.", you mumbled before being able to stop yourself and she smiled widely.
"What are you doing out here all alone? There's a heat wave coming!", she frowned then and looked around to see whether you were accompanied by an adult.
"I don't have parents and I don't like where I live... all adults are meanies.", you pouted before seeing her nod deep in thought.
"What about you come with me and we figure something out, hm?", Riley suggested and although you knew not to trust strangers you nodded and held out your hand for her to take.
Walking only a few minutes she stepped into a big glass covered building and then through a few hallways into a bright room with two people inside.
"Hello Riley, who's that?", the lady asked and you hid behind Riley's leg unsure wether it was okay that you were here.
"That's Y/N, I found her on the streets because she ran away from her foster home. Matty could I talk to you for a second?", Riley asked and after the woman, apparently Matty nodded she crouched down to your height.
"My best friend Mac will look after you, okay? I trust him with my life and I know you're gonna like him.", Riley smiled pointing to the blonde male who kindly smiled at you.
Once you nodded he held out his hand and lead you to a room with a big mirror.
"Y/N, right?", the man asked and you nodded while climbing on your chair.
"I'm Mac. What about we paint something?", he suggested with his head tilted and a smile on his lips.
Enthusiastically you nodded so he went to a box you hadn't noticed before and retrieved color pencils and paper.
Immediately you got to work and drew a picture of a castle with Princess Riley and Prince Mac in it.
"Mac?", you quietly asked after a while and he looked at you.
"Am I in trouble?", you whispered causing Mac to frown.
"No, why would you be?", he replied watching you.
"Because I ran away because all the people in the foster home are meanies.", you explained while you continued painting.
"No Y/N, you're not in trouble. I'm gonna make sure you don't have to go back there, okay?", Mac softly spoke and you nodded before going back to your painting.
You were so in thought you didn't notice that Mac talked to someone in front of the door until you looked up to show him your finished painting only to find his chair empty. "Mac?", you frowned turning around on your chair and nearly falling off with the painting in your hands.
Seeing him in the door frame you breathed out and jumped down rushing over to him.
"Nu leaving!", you pouted with tears in your eyes while looking up at him. Your arms tightly wrapped around his right leg and he carefully picked you up which made you properly hug him.
"I'm not leaving Y/N.", he smiled and took your picture.
"Look at you, a real Artist!", he gasped showing the picture to the lady opposite of him. You recognized her from the other room earlier and waved.
"Hello boss lady. Me is sorry for making problems.", you first waved then looked at the ground shyly.
"Oh don't worry darling. If you want, Mac has offered to let you live with him, so like a sleepover!", she explained smiling and you looked at Mac.
"Are you going to be my new daddy then?", you frowned with your head tilted and saw him going slightly pale making you think you made a mistake probably, but before you could apologize he nodded smiling.
"If you want that... what about we see how it's going first though? Have a few sleepovers and get to know each other, hm?", he suggested and you nodded after thinking about it for a moment.
"But I don't have to go back there?", you made sure and he gently shook his head.
"Then okay! I have my teddy in my bag!", you pointed to it excited to join your new friend for a sleepover. From the older girls in the foster home you had heard that those were always fun. "Can princess Riley come too? And boss lady?", you asked Mac when he grabbed your little backpack and he nodded happily.
"You can ask whether they want to come!", he smiled and immediately you clapped excited.
"Boss lady! Will you come to our sleepover?", you asked Matty who was still standing in the door watching her agent interact with you.
"I'd be honored to attend.", she agreed and you squealed quietly before tapping Mac's shoulder so he would carry you to Riley.
"Riley Riley! Will you join daddy's and my's sleepover?", you yelled once you saw her with another male hovered over a table.
She turned around frowning but nodded happily after Mac mouthed something to her.
"Can my friend Bozer come too? And Jack? A sleepover is best with a lot of people after all.", she suggested smiling and you looked at Mac who nodded so you agreed to it as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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