Chapter Five: Understanding The Singularity Of His Mind... Wait... Tan-ah!!

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(I died looking at this image... And the song that goes with it...)


Taehyung was walking along the path of the House. After a long session of poetry writing, much to Hoseok's delight, Wi-Hwa dismisses the class, so that they can do their free-time. Sun-Woo and Ji-Dwi decides to go out into the field to do some horseback riding and target practice with their bows. Jungkook decides to join them, saying that he wants to try it out.

Jin decides to help out in the kitchen, saying that he can help with the cooking. The cooks are very much grateful. Namjoon went to the library with Yeo-Wool to do some reading about the past history of Silla. Hoseok and Jimin decides to go to the empty court to do some choreography for their new songs and Suho and Ban-Ryu decides to join them to watch. Yoongi shuts himself in their room to do some hardcore thinking and song writing.

As Taehyung walks, he breathe in the fresh air. He smiles as he soon arrive to his destination: a small pool where one can soak their feet in. He took off his shoes and began to soak his feet in the cool water. He sat at the edge and swings his legs gently, sending ripples. Then he bends down to scoop some water into his hand:

 Then he bends down to scoop some water into his hand:

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He grins and let the water flow through his fingers:

He grins and let the water flow through his fingers:

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"What are you doing, Hyung?"

He looks up to see Hansung standing there, curious. Taehyung just smile.

"Just enjoying the cool water, Hansung... Wanna join?"

Hansung smiles wide and removes his boots. Lifting up the baji of his hanbok, Hansung sat down and sink his own feet in the water. He giggles.

"That feels nice!" He said. Taehyung nods.

Both sat in silence, enjoying it and the cool water. Taehyung scoops up some more water in his hand and let it flow. Hansung decides to do the same. Both giggle at that and then, Hansung brought it up.

"Hyung. Can you sing a song?"

Taehyung blinks as he looks at him.

"A song?"

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