Chapter Nineteen: Jungkook... You Are The Cause Of My Euphoria...And My Tears...

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Be Prepared!!!!! 🦁 (lol...)

Taehyung sighs as he looks in the mirror.

My bangs are growing out... I need to trim it...

He sat down and grab the scissors. He began to trim lightly. He slowly snips his bangs, making sure it's even before he smiles in satisfaction.


He chose his outfit for the day:

Then he got up and meet with the others, who are also dressed up.

Then he got up and meet with the others, who are also dressed up

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"Good morning, Taehyung." Namjoon greets.

Taehyung nods.

"Good morning, hyung."

He looks around.

"Where's Jimin-hyung and Yoongi-hyung?"

"They're doing some horseback riding with Kang Sung." Hoseok says.

Taehyung nods. Ever since the day they brought Kang Sung to the good side, Jimin and Yoongi has been hanging out with him. It would seem Yoongi forgave him for all the past villainy acts.

The war would begin soon so they'll need all the warriors they could get their hands on.

Then he look around.

"Um... Where's Jungkook?"

Namjoon shrugs.

"He's probably somewhere, wanting some quiet time."

Taehyung decide to find him and head off towards the open fields, where he sees Jimin and Yoongi riding on horses, with Kang Sung behind, instructing them on how to ride properly.

No Jungkook.

He head towards the trio and Kang Sung saw him. He gets off his horse and met him halfway.

"Here to practice riding, Taehyung?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"Later. I'm looking for Jungkook."

"Oh. I think I saw him. He's by the rock fields."

Taehyung smiles.

"Thanks, Kang Sung."

The man nods before he gets back in his horse and gallop towards the YoonMin Duo.

Taehyung heads off towards the rocky fields and lo and behold! There is the Maknae, standing on the tallest rock and eyes closed, feeling the wind in his face. He was also humming his solo song to himself.

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