Chapter Eighteen: It's Time To Drop The Mic And Get Ready For Bangtan's Attacks!

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All of the Knights stood in the Study Hall, waiting for their superior's orders.

Dan Se and Hansung chat amongst themselves, plotting on how to avenge their grandfather's death. Although they knew Kang Sung did so, Kang Sung already got locked up for his crimes.

The two Princes talked about how they're gonna uphold justice against the villains. Wang Eun wanted to imprisoned Youngshil for life while Lee Yeong wants to exile him.

The sliding door opens and Jimin and Yoongi comes in with Kang Sung into the Hall. All Knights stood up, ready to apprehend the traitor, but Jimin held his hands up.

"It's okay. He's on our side."

They look at him, surprised.

"Are you sure you can trust him?" Dan Se says.

"He killed our grandfather..." Hansung adds.

Kang Sung hung his head.

"Look. During my times in jail, I thought over everything I did. Yes. I did try to kill Sam Woo using Dan Se and Hansung. I was just angry that he humiliated me in front of everyone. Yes. I did poisoned the Queen. But that wasn't my intention. It was Youngshil's. Yes. I kidnapped Jimin and hurt him, although I got more hits from him. Yes. I tried to kill him, but ended up killing the old man. I regret everything I've ever done. I know I can't repent for ALL of my sins, but I hope that this battle against Youngshil... that you all can trust me."

Then he bows and says these last words that made Jimin smile and Yoongi nod in approval.

"I hope you can ALL give me a second chance to prove myself."

Everyone stood there, silent. They did not expect to hear those words from him. Most villains would not regret anything and would laugh it off, but Kang Sung was sincere with his words, they can feel it.

Sam Woo walks over and place his hand on Kang Sung's shoulder.

"My friend was hurt because you hurt him. I only thought I did what was right. So... let's turn over a new leaf and start from scratch."

Kang Sung bows.

"I will fight with you until the end."

The Knights all smile.

Soon, the doors open again and Ji Dwi came in, followed by Wi Hwa. They all face him. He was silent as he entered. He didn't say a word until he came to the front. He turn to face them, his face looking stern. They all wait for his words.

Soon, he began.

"The death of my mother was a tragedy. I walked in and saw her laying dead on the floor, a dagger to her chest. Someone really wanted her gone and succeeded. Now, I'm their next target, since I'm the King. Dan Se and Hansung's grandfather was killed. All of these people that are dead were all Youngshil's doing. I cannot allow a tyrant like him to roam the streets. We will defeat him once and for all and bring him to justice."

All of the Knights cheer. The Princes smile. The Boys grin.

Then Yoongi shouts,


Everyone laughs. All, but Hansung, who looks confused.

"What does 'f**king' means?"

Jin glares at Yoongi, who looks away sheepishly, then turn to the young Knight.

"It's a bad word. Never use it."

Hansung nod.


Everyone chuckles.

Wi Hwa nods.

"Alright. We need a bit of motivation for this battle. Boys? Do you have a song that can rouse up the Knights?"

The Boys look at each other and smile.

"We have a song that can take down the haters!!!" Hoseok says.

Baekhyun raises his head up.

"Can I join? I know this song well and I would LOVE to be part of it!"

Namjoon nods.

"Sure! Let's go, then!"

All of the Knights, the two Princes, and Kang Sung sat down.

"I don't get what's going on..." Kang Sung says...

Sam Woo nods.

"Right... you weren't here when they do this... I guess the last battle we had, you weren't really paying attention. These songs really rouse us up so we have more confidence and show good spirit. You'll know when they perform it."

Kang Sung nods and soon the Boys starts their song:

Oh! How the crowd began sounding wild! All of the Knights began jumping up and down, feeling pumped!

Kang Sung's eyes widen.

Is this what they do? Is this why they're strong?

Kang Sung never felt anything like this before. His heart is pounding, blood rushing, adrenaline kicks in!

He smiles. He laughs. Then he soon joins the Knights in the rumbling!

"See!? Now you're into it!" Sam Woo shouts, grinning.

At the front, Ji Dwi smiles and look up at the sky.

I wish you're here, Mother. But don't worry... we'll avenge your death and all of the others that are harmed by him... Rest in Peace... Silla will be in good hands...

And then it was over. There were applauds, shouts of approval and Yoongi smirks.

"We're not done yet! Who wants more!!!!"

The Knights all shouts.


"Who wants more!?" Jimin tells out.


"LOUDER!!!!!" Yoongi roars.


The Boys grin, knowing what song to play next. They switched it and soon a new song came on.

More awesome music! They're into it now!

Hansung and Dan Se began juggling with Yeowool shaking his little booty. Sam Woo has pulled Ji Dwi off the steps and the young king ended up dancing with his friend. Even Ban Ryu and Su Ho are dancing like crazy! Wi Hwa is just moving around, waving his fan side to side to the music.

As soon as the music ends, cheers rang up again and everyone is satisfied for the day! Even Kang Sung is out of breath.

"The night is young... we must rest now." says Wi Hwa, "Tomorrow... we attack."

They all cheer and soon, everyone is in their sleep quarters, anxious but ready for tomorrow's battle.

Sorry... this one's a little short, but I ran out of ideas... so be ready for the next chapter!

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