Episode 7: Beyond the Ghost Zone

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Published: July 5, 2020

Episode Plot: Tucker decides its time to upgrade Valerie's suit. After years of aimlessly floating through space, Vlad Masters finally decided its time to make an appearance.


The second it was revealed that Vlad Masters was alive and planned on returning to finish what he had started, everyone was put on edge.

Danny could feel it.

Even he felt on edge.

His stomach felt twisted up and his nerves seemed to go haywire upon the mention of Vlad's name. He didn't think he would ever have to deal with Vlad Masters (Plasmius) ever again.

But no.

It didn't seem like that was the case unfortunately.

That was Fenton luck for you.

Danny exhaled deeply, trying to keep his head on straight and not freak out too much. They defeated Vlad once before, if they had to fight him again than so be it. They were older now. He was stronger now. They were all stronger.

And with Tucker being mayor of Amity Park, he had basically unlimited access to money to create anything that they might need to face Vlad with.

Danny could relax.

Sam seemed to notice his tension and the inner battle happening inside his head because she placed her hand on his shoulder and turned him to look at her, placing the other hand on his cheek.

"Hey," she said, her voice soft and concerned. "You okay, Danny?"

Danny forced a smile onto his face and waved his hand in dismissal. "Of course I'm okay, Sam. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because your archenemy is rumored to be returning?" Dani's voice unhelpfully chimed in.

Sam glared at Dani. "Not helping."

"Sorry!" Dani squeaks, holding her hands up in defense.

Sam sighs, rolling her violet eyes and turning her attention back to Danny. "Seriously, are you okay? You know that I'm here for you."

Danny shrugged off her concern. "I'm good, Sam. Really. Thanks though." He gave her a light peck on the cheek, causing her to smile faintly in content but the concern was still there.

Sam studies him for a moment and Danny shifts slightly uncomfortable under her analytical gaze.

"Um, I'm fine, Sam, really. Honestly. Can you uh, stop staring at me like I'm an experiment or something?" Danny awkwardly asks.

Sam blinks and shakes her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts. "Right... um, sorry. I just... worry about you, you know? I'm here if you need to talk, Danny. You can tell me anything. I...I just hope that you know that." Sam quietly says to him, looking sincere and the guilt in Danny skyrockets.

Sam was almost never like this.

Being all...sappy and having moments like these were rare.

"I...I know and I appreciate it, Sam, I really do. But I'm not lying. I'm good. Really. Sure, Vlad's potential return isn't making it easy to sleep at night but we've fought him before and won. We'll do it again. No biggie." Danny shrugs and flashes his girlfriend his famous carefree grin.

Sam rolls her eyes in amusement and kisses him on the cheek. "You're a dork." She declares.

"But you love me anyway." Danny cheekily replies.

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