Author's Note

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This is a WARNING!

There will be blood / gore included in this book! If you're not comfortable please choose something else to read!

There will also be swearing / bad language

This book will probably be edited as I go along which means I may go back and change some things as the story goes on like adding more details or adding a few minor things that I believe should be added!

This will not be 100% accurate to canon! Some cats will have different eye color and even pelt color! Do not scream and say 'BUT NO THAT CAT HAD GRAY FUR' because I will ignore you ;-; I will however try to make this as canon as I possibly can and use cats you all know from Pinestar's choice and Mapleshade's Vengeance!

I do not update regularly sadly and my pace of writing depends on how life is going and so far it's slow so the chapters will be coming out slow!

I'm also not an English genius; I do make mistakes in my writing so I hope you guys accept and understand that

All art does not belong to me!
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You can find me on IG as @breezypool and you can find my lovely boyfriend and editor there as well as @lordfluffthunder!

Enjoy the story and leave a vote if you can!

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