Chapter 5

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Wow, what just happened? I opened my eyes to find out. Not only am I not in my room or my house for that matter. I'm somewhere you'd only see in a children's story book. Wherever I was the sun is setting and the sky was a mix of dark purples, dark blues and some creepy clouds. Well that's a weird sunset I thought.

"Great" I mumbled under my breath. The sun is setting and it's getting colder, and darker. Did I mention I was slightly afraid of the dark? Well that's not true, I'm afraid of being attacked by something in the dark. The fact that I don't know where in the name of pancakes I am scares me even more then the dark right now.

"Fabulous" I mumbled with sarcasm. My endless rambling in my head left me sitting in the dark with the starry sky. It was surprisingly bright, but maybe that's also because the moon here is ginormous. Then one thought crossed my mind.

I'm alone, Cold and at this point scared, but I refuse to let that get to me. I jumped up and looked around some more. I looked behind me and up. How on earth could I have fallen from there? There's nothing to fall from, I thought.

I looked ahead and started slowly walking. Trees, flowers, and bushes everywhere. Wait a minute, you hear flowers and you think bright, colorful happiness. No. These are weird and creepy looking. Maybe it's just because it's dark, but I swear these are zombie flowers or something. Wondering what I hear? Nothing. Dead silence. Creepy right? Ok I lied, there's some wind and the soft rustling of trees but it's still creepy.

I took a deep breath and started walking into the dark unknown. In the Disney movie Tangled, when Rapunzel left her tower for the first time, do you think she was scared too? Yeah that's kinda how I feel right now, but less excitement. Don't get me wrong I love exploring and adventuring. Is that a word? Not the point. It's dark, scary and no time for adventureing. That's my point.

You know the best way to get though a scary forest is to laugh and just be random right?

With that reassuring thought from my insane conscience. I started singing and telling myself random stories.

What felt like forever I started thinking, "oh gosh I'm walking in circles" I said out loud.

That is, until I saw a swing hanging from a tree. It was small, it looked old but sturdy. Of course me being the little child I am, I squealed and ran over towards it.

No I didn't stop to think about it being a trap for something. It's a swing for llamas sake!

I got to the swing and tugged on the two ropes supporting the wooden seat. It seemed good enough to support my weight.

With that I planted my butt on the seat holding onto the ropes.

I slowly started swinging, giggling like a little girl on Christmas morning. Then the weirdest thing happened.

The swing changed color and it wasn't old or broken any more. No longer that dark brown color I saw but a sandy yellow color. The ropes weren't rough or broken any more, but new, almost. It was like....

Magic. Despite the questions running though my head I started smiling like a mental person.

Yes I believed in magic. Judge all you'd like, you judgie judger pants. You know who You are.

The swing slowed down till it came to an almost stop. I hoped of still smiling to myself. Oops well you might think I'm crazy or something, sanity is overrated anyway. Nonetheless, little backstory for you.

Ever since I was little I'd always loved swings. The the feeling that I could "fly" so to speak, it just made me happy like any other little child. I'd always sing or just laugh while feeling I could do anything. It's just nice to bring back childhood memories I guess.

I was instantly pulled out of my thoughts by the sound coming from behind me....

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