Chapter 7

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"Bella! What are you doing?!" Lydia was screaming at me. Me? Well I was running through the forest with the thing that holds the....wait a minute. Haha okay let me go back, waaaaaay back and catch you up to speed. Where'd I leave you off last time? Of right Lydia dragging me off to my doom.


"We'll be there soon" Lydia told me just above a whisper. Oh I love this game!

"Why are we whispering?" I whispered back but a little louder than her.

"Shhh!" I mentally gasped. She shushed me. Oh no she didn't. I thought as she tugged on the rope she tied around my wrists.

I tried to wiggle out of her grasp earlier down the path and she got annoyed and tied the rope around my wrists.

"Oof" was the noise I made as I tripped over a tree root and fell.

"Hurry. Get up." She instructed me in a quick tone.

"I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't pulled on the rope so hard." I retorted and standing up in the process. As I got up I noticed the moon and stars had already started to go away and was almost gone. How long have we been walking?

We waked a good couple of feet after I fell. Then she stopped walking and of course I walked into her and fell over. Again. I'm so clumsy sometimes.

I could faintly hear a "we're here" as I was recovering from my surprise fall. Once I did, I realized she dropped the rope and started walking to a small cabin like house.

I could run now. My mind thought. I could get away from here she just left me, but where would I go? Maybe it's a trick, maybe she's waiting to see if you'll run. This could just be another trap of hers. With all these thoughts going through my head I decided on what I was going to do....

I got up. And walked toward the small house. I think it was a smart move on my part. I mean seriously! There could be cookies! Annabella, haven't you learned anything from those child safety videos. Pfft, wow, ok not the point.

My hands were still tied together as I approached the door. When I waked in the floor creaked a little. This little cottage looked like the one you'd see in Snow White. The only difference was this one was cleaner and bigger.

Lydia was in the middle of taking her cloak, cape thing off to reveal how many weapons she was armed with. I took a step back without even realizing it causing the floor to creak again.

Lydia looked up from taking off her belt that her sword was on. Who was this girl and why does she have all these weapons?

"You never who or what you're going to face in this part of the forest." Was all she said with a smirk as she put her sword and her bow and arrows on the table. She quickly looked back at me again.

"But don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you though." She explained with a smile. It was a real smile though. Not like a fake one but a real one. Wow way to clarify what kind of smile it was Bella. Great job.

Lydia walked over to a sink and washed and apple that was in a bowl next to it.

"Are you hungry?" She asked looking over her shoulder to see me. I just shrugged and she nodded turning off the sink and tossing me the apple with a smirk.

I caught it! Oh my gosh I caught something! And my hands are still tied together too. Take that gym class, I do got some athletic skill! Hey, wait a minute, my hand are still tied together and I think she saw that too cuz her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry" she walked over and untied the rope. She put it on the counter while I stood there holding the pretty green apple. They're my favorite. She could be trying to poison me. I mean look what happened to Snow White after she ate the apple. Yes that may be true, but her apple was red not green. Good enough for me. So I ate the apple.

"Soooo am I like a prisoner or something?" I asked awkwardly in between bites of the apple.

She was looking out of the window above the sink.

"How exactly did you get here? To this world?" She asked looking at me after she answered my question with more questions. Wait, did she say world? Am I like on another planet?

"Well," I started while now sitting on the floor. I got to lazy to move, "I was at my house alone and I saw a rabbit. I went outside and followed it to this forest garden place, it went behind a bush and I followed it to find a small leaf tunnel thing. I crawled through it and started falling. Next thing I knew I ended up here."

She didn't say anything for a little while. She just stared at me like she was trying to figure something out. Then she sighed and said

"You might want to get comfortable, your in for one heck of a story."

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