Chapter 3

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As soon as I got to the door the knocking stopped. I opened the door expecting a loud hello, but instead....there was nothing. I walked outside to make sure she wasn't hiding. Nothing. I walked around the house and she still wasn't there. That's when I got a little scared and went back inside, closing and locking the door.

She was there just a few seconds ago. I thought to myself. Then my mind automatically went to oh my gosh. It was a ghost and I'm gonna die. I shook my head at that ridiculous thought. I'm just overreacting I told myself mentally.

Then I heard something crash in another room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the first thing I found which happened to be a frying pan. Come on have you seen Tangled? From the looks of it it's more useful than a knife.

I slowly went down the hall to where the noise came from. And of course it came from the bathroom. Isn't that were all the girls in the horror films die? I heard something behind the shower curtain. On the count of 3 I told my self. 1.....2.....3! And I pulled back the curtain to find Milo sitting in the bathtub. I relaxed letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Haha. What are you doing silly puppy?" I questioned as he stared thumping his tail on the tub. He then jumped out and ran off. I laughed to myself as I turned around...

"AHHH!!" I screamed as I came face to face with an evil brown haired and Hazel eyed Hannah who was laughing her head off.

"You should have seen your face!" She cried as she was laughing her head off on the ground.

"Hannah that was not funny!" I yelled trying to bring my heart rate back to normal. "How did you even get in here?" Her laughter started dying down as she answered my question.

"I knocked on the front door then ran to use the back door."

"But it was locked how'd you get in?" I questioned.

"Bella, honey, we've been best friends for years, I know where the spare keys are."

"Oh yeah..." I said, remembering the day she found our keys.

We walked to the living room and sat down so she could continue. "Then I brought Milo and put him in the bathtub so he wouldn't give me away. I made a noise in the bathroom and hid in your room until you came looking."

"How did you know I'd look in the bathroom first?" I questioned.

"That's why I put Milo there. Of course he's a puppy so he was bound to make some sort of noise, leading you to the bathroom. I was extra quite so you wouldn't hear me in your room. I heard you talking to him so that's when I snuck up behind you and-"

"Scared the crap out of your best friend. Yeah I know. You my friend are an evil genius."

"Why thank you Ms.Carter, it is an honor." She said in a fancy accent which a dramatic bow.

"You are very welcome Ms.Mills" I said curtseying and playing along. We laughed until she said something.

"Now I believe you promised me mini s'mores in a microwave?" she questioned more like a statement with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at her comment and got up to get the stuff from the kitchen. Once everything was on the counter we made sure we weren't missing anything.





"Graham crackers"

"check." I listed off my fingers as she checked them off, making a check in the air.


"not check" she said seriously. I looked up at her and gave her a "really?" Look. Then we both just laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay," I said as I stopped laughing "now pay attention" I said with a smirk.

"First, you take the graham." I started as I took half of a graham cracker. "You stick the chocolate on the graham." I continued as I put the chocolate on the half. "Then you cook the 'mallow." After I waited a few seconds for the marshmallow that was in the microwave. "When the 'mallow's done you stick it on the chocolate." I started again. "Then you cover it with the other end. Then, you stuff it" I finish as I stick the s'more in my mouth.

Hannah was laughing by now. If you couldn't guess already, that scene was in The Sandlot, a really good movie you should watch it. If you have seen it you would have noticed that I had to change the quote a little because we have a microwave instead of fire.

I finished my s'more and we started making s'mores ;D

Manyw s'more failures later....

"Y-you b-burned it" I cried laughing on the ground as Anna dissected the poor s'more. I didn't even know you could burn chocolate, but some how Hannah managed to do so.

"Pfft. Like you didn't already." She shot back.

"Can you help me up?" I ask nicely as my laughing came to a stop. I had my hand out so she could pull me up.

"Sure" Sadly, I didn't see the smirk on her face as she helped me up.

"Ewwww! You got melted chocolate and marshmallow on my hand" I whined.

"You asked me to help you up" she said as she raised her hands in surrender.

"Just go wash your hands" I laughed shaking my head.

"Yes ma'am" She saluted me and went to wash her hands.

The house phone started ringing and I went to answer it with my clean hand. Don't want the phone all sticky.


"Hello Annabella, it's Hannah's Mother. Is Hannah still there? Her grandmother just got here and I was wondering if you could send her home. She wouldn't answer her phone."

"Oh sure. I'll let her know."

"Thank you sweetie" and with that she hung up.

I hung up the phone and went back to the kitchen. "Hey, your mom just called. She wants you home now, your grandmother just got there."

"Okay. I'll see you later Bella Poo!" I got a quick hug before she grabbed her bag and left.

I shook my head laughing and went to cleaning up the mess we both made.

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