Chapter 4

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"Well that took longer than I thought." I had said to myself as I sat on the couch with a sigh of relief.

I had spent the last half hour cleaning up the mess we made in the kitchen. I guess melted marshmallow gets really sticky and hard to get off of a counter when it's there too long. Nonetheless it's all clean now.

Milo started whining and barking from the kitchen and I realized I forgot to give him his dinner.

"Ugh life is so difficult!" I whined and dragged myself to get up and feed my little puppy. I went to the kitchen where his bowl was. I fed him and gave him water and all that stuff.

"Here you go stinky" I said putting the water in the bowl. Nothing. Usually he's over here waiting until I'm done so he can eat, but right now he's just looking out the window. He does that when there are birds at the bird feeder. He tries to scare them away, but it's not the birds that he's starting intently at. My curiosity brought me over to the window. And there's the thing Milo is staring intently at.

A rabbit. Sitting on its hind legs in the middle if our back yard.

"Ok" I told myself again. "There's nothing weird about a rabbit in our yard." And as if it heard me, it turned its attention from Milo to me. it waited a second before It turned around and started to hop away.

Something inside me told me to follow it. And again, the rabbit stopped and looked back. Maybe it wants me to follow it, I started thinking. Pfft do you know how stupid that sounds. Yeah Bella the tiny rabbit wants you to follow it, I thought, but my stupidity got the better of me.

"I must be out of my mind" I muttered out loud. With that I quickly ran out the back door make ing sure to close it and keep Milo inside. When I got outside the rabbit was already hopping off again.

My curiosity is going to kill me someday. What was it Alice in Alice in Wonderland once said, "Curiosity often leads to trouble" or something like that.

Yeah it does. I just left the house without a phone to chase a rabbit to who know where. Not to mention I was home alone and my parents trusted me to not leave without permission. I'm still only 15. Well, I'll just go back after. I'm sure I'm going to lose the rabbit anyway. Yeah I'll go home in a minute, I clarified to myself.

I ended up following the rabbit to the little forest/garden behind my house. I'm pretty sure it belongs to the people that live behind us. Great now I'm on someone else's property. I ran through the garden in my socks. The rabbit came to a stop and took one big leap into a bush...that's when I lost it.

I know I said I'd go home when I lost it, but I want to see where it went off to.

I creeped up to the bush. I pulled back some of the branches and looked behind it to find some weird leaf tunnel thing.

"Goodness. I swear this is Alice in Wonderland déjà vu" I stated. "Except I don't think this is a rabbit hole" I sighed. "I'm so gonna regret this later, but what the hay." With that I squeezed through the bush, knelt down and started crawling through the tunnel like thing. I could fit through it when crawling, but it kept getting smaller and you should know, I'm claustrophobic. I was about to turn back and just forget about it and go home when I started falling. Like I was actually falling through the ground.

It was all happening so fast. I couldn't process what was happening right now. All I knew was, I am falling. I'm not sure what is happening right now but it doesn't feel good. Then Before I knew it I fell hard onto something solid. I looked at my surroundings and my head started to hurt and before I could take in my surroundings. I blacked out.

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