chapter 49

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Lastnnight was amazing I mean literally I haven't had sex in so long it felt like a fantasy/dream come true. I mean like he had me exactly wea he wanted me at from the head giving to the back shots he was giving me and the kinky stuff like whip cream and handcuffs was every thing I fantasized about. Too bad it had to end so soon but hopefully we can get some in before I have to go get the kids. But I wasn't really worried tho cause my body was sore anyways 😂😂. Guess what today is its my birthday bitches !!!!!! I'm finally 21 I need to get up and put on my birthday clothes so u can look cute 😜.

I'm currently 1 month into my pregnancy and I'm actually happy that I have another baby otw because I always wanted 2 kids I already had my girl so now I'm hoping for a boy but if its another girl I'll be fine with that. I just can't help but to think about the room decorations the baby shower that I will get planned. But sadly I thought that me and slim had gotten back on good terms and that we were gonna be a family again. I guess all that he had said to me was a lie because j haven't seen or heard from him in 3 weeks. I saw him with some girl the other day at the mall looked as if they was having a great time. Now usually If I would have seen something like that I would have went off on him and her but instead I just stood there observing. I know that he seen me cause he looked in my direction den he continued talking. Yes it hurted my feelings a little cause he wasn't showing me any attention at all plus being out with someone else. But I was pregnant and I had another child that I needed to take care of and I had no time to be out here stressing over anybody.

I know zy probably pissed asf at me right now. And i kmow that she probably saw me a that store with that girl but she knew that I wasn't gone move in with her. I mean like I love her in all but I just don't want that type of commitment right now and I gotta let her know that cause ion want her to be feeling no type of way. Its better if I tell her now that later. But anyways back to me I met a Lil shawty the other night at the strip club I was at thatnar ordering drinks and she came up to me she said her name was jasmine she was bout 5'4 slim waist pretty face thick thighs and a ghetto booty just how I liked em. But anyways we sat there conversating for a for a hour or 2 den I told her I was bout to leave. She told me could she ride out with me because her home girl had already left the club earlier. Uk me ain wanna just leave her stranded like that so I told her she can catch a ride with me. We got in the car and I typed in her address. About 20 minutes later I pulled up to her apartment. I pulled up in the driveway and put the car in park so she could get out. But then she stopped and looked at me and was like" well ain't you gone walk me to my door" I stopped and stared at her for a Lil minute then I turned my car off and got out. Wen we made it to her door she got out her key and unlocked her door and she invited me in. Ian wanna go in there at first cause ian even know her like that at all. But just this one time I did. I sat down on her couch and she was like you can watch tv or some till.I come back I'm fena take a shower I'll be back in a few minutes.
Ian know what she wanted me to stay here for but I waited. 30 minutes later I looked up and saw her coming out with her hair drawed up in a pony tail and a red lingere 2 piece on. Then she came and sat I'm my lap and begin kissing on my neck. I grabbed her by the waist and started kissing on her. I felt my erection occuring and I knew that she felt it too because she started grinding up on it five minutes later I found my self in her room having sex. I thought it was just gone be a one night thing hit it and quit it but no it was more than that. We was having g sex more and more every day if the week so I spent less time with zy because I was over here with her. I was now stuck because I got zy my babymama and now jasmine ion even know what to do now.

Hey wassup this jasmine but most people call me jas and I'm 20. I'm a sexy ass 5'4 slim waist big booty Judy as they call it. I'm a pretty ass darkskin melanin so I see why so many dudes be tryna holla at me and be all in my DM. But back to eat I was saying I met slim 2 weeks ago in the club wen I first laid eyes on him I knew he was exactly what I needed for my plan. Now the thing was for me to find a dude with a lot of money and shit and rob them. But after that night in the club it turned out to be more than that. It was the way he looked at me and the way that he talked to me just made me hot on the inside for him. I was tryna block them thought s out but I let the liquor take over my body. From that night on we have been having sex and it was awesome. Right about now I could care less way my boss had told me to do but I was kinda feeling slim he was everything that I wanted. He was a thug that's all that matter I needed somebody who was fine match my gangsta and my fly and he was the one. I was interrupted from my thoughts when my phone went to buzzing like crazy. I turned over to look at it and it was Geno.
Geno:what the fuck is taking you so long to get here I gave you simple ass directions and you can't follow them correctly.
Jasmine: my phone been dead I just now got a chance to charge it up why u tripping
Geno:damn right I'm tripping cause I want you to do wtf I asked you to do not want u wanna do. I'm your boss your not mines.
Jasmine: u know what fuck you and everything else you gotta say I'm do and I'm out of the gang.
Geno:the only way out is if I kill you
Jasmine: do want you gotta do I'm done playing these foolish ass games with you bye
"Dial tone"
Jasmine:hey slim I got something to tell you
Slim:I hope u not finna say you pregnant cause it ain't mines we ain't been together nun but a couple days and only had sex 2 times
Jasmine:lol no silly its not that but this right here is way more important
Slim:Ight I'm listening
Jasmine:okay so I'm get straight to the point okay I was sent to kill you.....
Slim:"pulls out gun" gun clicks
Jasmine: no listen to me please put the gun up an d hear me out okay I'm not doing explaining this
Slim:u got 5 minutes before I go to spaying in this bitch
Jasmine: okay so as I was saying I was sent by someone to trap you and set you up so that you could get killed and after that I had to flee the scene. But when I first met you and we started talking at the club I started feeling you the first night that we had sex ion know why I was feeling this way about you I tried not to but I couldn't help it at all. At that point I wasn't even caring way nobody was saying or telling me to do I just couldn't even do it not at all. When you was in the shower my boss (geno) had called and he was tripping and shit I told him off and time him that I wasn't gone do it and he got really mad. He said that he was gone show up personally and kill us both. So we need to start packing now and find a safe place.
Slim:look ion know wat you gone do u can go on a running spree if you want too but ian running from shit not at all. If that nigga geno wanna see me den tell that nigga to bring it on so I can light his ass up like a Christmas tree.
Jasmine: so you just gone leave Me here by myself. Why cant I go with you I was honest with you I didn't keep nun from you at all.
Slim:look ian that type of lovey dovey dude who you think I am ian really into none of that love shit you was just a hit it and quit it so I guess now i need to get going.
Jasmine:oh so that's how you feel you wanna come up in my place fuck lime this. Now you wanna leave and go back to that bitch ass baby mama of thought I didn't know its plenty stuff that I know that you never knew that I did . so keep saying with me and people gone start disappearing.
Slim:was that a threat cause ion take em kindly
Jasmine: take it how you wanna take it but I ment just what I said.
This made a whole another week since slim been here he haven't even called or text to tell me anything. I can't take this shit anymore ion care what he do anymore Ion cafe who he fuck or anything he no longer have a place in my heart. Today I'm fena get a this shit from out of my house and when he finally do come he shit will be out in the yard. Its time that I stop stressing myself out. I got a whole daughter who I need to take care if and I got an unborn baby in my stomach so I don't need the stress.

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